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Everything posted by Simplysix

  1. http://www.jegs.com/c/Exhaust-Headers-Mufflers_Heat-Shields-Insulation-Header-Wrap/10261/10002/-1
  2. Simplysix

    WTF: iPad 1

    Confusing thread title; what the fuck ipad1
  3. Simplysix

    cod mw3 ?

    Just picked up mw3 (yea, I'm late), badass so far, very fast paced. Now I just gotta get better
  4. Hilarious ( after the fact). I can relate
  5. I've had no problem with utorrrent lately, maybe try to uninstall in reinstall. I mean, what's a torrent, don't download illegal music, its bad. Guns are bad as well.
  6. As long as we beat M it'll still be a good year, see you soon
  7. damn! That girls ass reminds me of a 9V battery, I know I shouldn't but I really wanna put my tongue on it!
  8. Love the paint scheme. Glws
  9. I think China is getting desperate, I just saw her in a porn
  10. Thank you all for your service and sacrifice
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