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Posts posted by j0ntar

  1. I can break this down a bit more as I am the rider in the green shirt.

    This can be attributed to two things. The R6 in front of me(Brandon), and myself pushing our control rider a bit faster than we should be running in the beginners group, and a communication issue.

    The communication issue was between the control riders, our control rider signaled for a pass and purple groups control rider did seem to acknowledge this, however coming up to the kink he took a hard inside line. This cut off green's control rider. At this point everyone should have stayed their lines, however two purple group riders also took the hard right line into the kink. This pushed green group over to twards the end of the road surface and what you see in the video is the result.

    I ride with my "head up" a bit so i saw all this coming from early on which is why i slowed up. What you can not see very clearly is how bad the girl in the purple group came into my line, and our control rider slowing up big time.

    I still feel a bit responsible. As he was trying his hardest to not hit me and at the same time save himself. We were pushing him for his fastest all day, and that was a bit selfish of us. I hope he has a speedy recovery. (which i hear he is)

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