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Everything posted by No_OH

  1. This is the truth. There's not much point noting potholes or bad sections of road here and there. It's all beaten down badly. Surface streets on the eastside are eligible for special mention, however. It's as if people are making do in some future world without road services. Foot-deep potholes, cracks with vegetation growing in them, etc., are commonplace. South of St. Clair, east of E55: anywhere in there is like visiting another country.
  2. I stick out like a sore thumb around here with all my gear. Without an ABATE T-shirt and do-rag I might as well be going to a Halloween party. More seriously, while it is true pretty much no one but me and my girl wear full gear around here, I think the full gear helps mask our presence to five-oh as well. By that, I mean they are less keenly on the scent when we roll by. Sorry about the losses above.
  3. Hey all, Even if I didn't live where it begins with and "O" and ends with and "O" I would appreciate these forums. I'm glad there's a lively online presence in Ohio. Up near the lake it's cruiser town. I had resigned myself to looking over the V-twin forums just to hear from any other Buckeyes. Glad to hear from other groups. I'm not surprised there's so much presence down in C-bus from the sport bikers. Out east of Cle, but I am out in the westside and sometimes in Lorain County
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