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Posts posted by Jsin

  1. How many miles you ride depends on you, your life situation and what it allows. My first year I picked up my bike in April with my permit, rode until Sept on that. I picked up 6,000 miles. The following year I managed to get in 9,000 miles with quite a bit of crap going on.

    Last year I picked up a cruiser that had 25,000 miles on it. It now has 43,000 and going. I have missed a lot of riding this year due to my life being very hectic but hell I ride when I can and enjoy it.

  2. I've worked in international shipping for years from loading/unloading, brokerage, back office clearance. It's decent work and it's always going to be a growing field. TQL is an hour from where I live and 30 min closer than where I work (CVG). I just hate the thought of giving up 10 years with my current company lol.

    I thought about going in and applying, just the idea of switching jobs sucks.

  3. I've been an Android fan since the G1, I bought one unlocked it and used it on Cincinnati Bell Wireless. I owned three of them up until January when I got a great deal on a used Iphone 4 for $150 no contract. It does take a little to get used to a single button but that one button does a lot of different things.

    I do find that it runs smoother over all, the screen doesn't randomly quit working like all of my Android's did. I do miss all the free apps and the ability to just hook it to a computer and add video/music files without thinking about it, but when I'm able to answer every call without waiting for the damn screen to respond it's worth it.

    Since I got my phone, we have purchased the 4S on my upgrade for the fiancee and an Ipad2 for her autistic son who runs that thing better than I ever thought!

    As far as the 4 vs the 4S, hardware is better in the 4S and it has Siri and some camera improvements.

  4. I'm waiting for rest of the Jersey boys to show up at the farm, for a good shootout. I think Shane is correct, they will be coming back for the kid.

    I'd agree with this except the guy left the kid for dead, how does he know the kid's alive at all?

  5. This should create some fun moments on my route to work if it passes. The whole time I'm on the interstate I use the high speed lane, but if I see I'm going to be holding up another vehicle I get over as soon as I can. Usually though I'm passing cars that act like the speed limit is 10 MPH under whats posted.

  6. Man you guys must have some shoddy doctors!

    I went in and had mine done in August, The doctor, a doc in training and a nurse were there. I felt a light pinch when he injected the anesthetic and didn't feel nothing after that. I never took the percocet I was prescribed.. didn't need it. I waited a week to get on the bike for a short ride and the SO gave me crap for going out so soon lol.

    Just went back Friday and gave my sample got the call at 6:45 last night, no kiddos for me!

    I think the worst pain was the second day and I got everything done for me I just got to sit and watch some movies. The peas helped a ton though, I still am a bit lopsided down there though.

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