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Posts posted by KeithTurk

  1. Took us a while to sort out a new system... it's going to be like that again... I suspect...we're a group of folks that put on this race out of a love for it... trust me when I say it's tough sometimes to get everything out as quick as we'd like... ( there is a new system that's supposed to make it radically easier...

    Anyone else come out this year?

  2. There is an event in Sept where Bikes are featured... but it's both car's and bikes...this meet was the Hot Rod Magazine meet and it's pretty car heavy.... ( most those guys only come to this meet )....

  3. Gear's don't fib.... you do the math and it works until you have enough Hp to make it not work.... ( think about Bill spinning his tire say.... 10% at 260mph.... )... hmmm

    Basically GPS is Slow to update speeds so it's pretty good but not "right".... and Speedo's make Manufactures hero's... or not..

    Oh and once you get over 175.... We want you watching out front..... Just say'n

  4. You guys will be amazed at what it takes to actually run 2 bills.... the difference between 180 and 200 is literally night and day.... Very interesting and fun stuff...

    But the Dude with the 50cc Pit bike will have more fun and be different.... we've got some of those guys.... so Bring a race bike.... LOL... those dudes are Serious....

    My biggest concern coming to a new venue like this is insuring everyone knows and gets the stringent rules up front and understands we don't bend them.... Simply stated every one is treated fairly and we've found it's best to stick to them....


  5. We're moving a fairly complicated organization with a lot of moving parts and people.... ( okay not really a lot... but more then I can carry in one trip )...

    and we're also going to have to sort out procedures and our process of record setting in an entirely new location... having been in North Carolina for 15yrs it's going to take us a bit and we all have jobs.... so while we currently race 5 times a year.... 4 seemed right to get our feet on the ground

    Also unlike Drag Racing... Land speed racers seem to like a bit more time between events to tinker with their Junk..... and frankly the relaxed schedule makes the whole thing really cool.... you don't feel like you have to go racing every weekend....

    Oh and do keep in mind our organization started as a test and tune event for people getting ready for Bonneville and the Dry lakes in Southern California.... ( I should mention that many of us are members of the Bonneville 200mph club )...


  6. Our Rules books are shared with the Southern California Timing Assn. and as such we're not allowed to print them on line....

    To obtain one send 10 bucks to

    ECTA rule book

    206 Sylvan Dr.

    Enterprise Al.


    Alternatively you can check on our website for some general information.

    Okay now that was the Polite and general answer.... the reality is that you have to have full leathers with adequate armor and a Snell 2005 or better full face helmet... there are several things that need to be safety wired as well as the requirement for a Metal chain guard.... ( plastic only keeps the oil off your leg... )

    Our current racers have sorted something out I want to share..... Racing isn't always about the "Big Speeds"... it's about doing better then you have before and hot rodding your junk.... pure and simple....

    I love racing around 100mph.... we've even had some Very entertaining 60 mph runs over the years..... ( Okay Samantha actually finally broke 71mph on her Sears Alstate )


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  7. Hey guys and gals... Just stopping in to say Hey and Introduce myself and our organization.

    My Name is Keith Turk and I'm the Race Director / Co Owner of the ECTA. We have recently been given permission to use the 9000' runway at the Wilmington Airpark in Wilmington Ohio. It is our intent to Hold Land Speed Racing events on the airpark 4 times next year and then hold events as needed in the future. The Dates are firming up and will be posted on our website in the next couple of weeks.

    To Read about us or our organization you can check out our website at www.ecta-lsr.com

    As a general overview though... we will race for one mile and then time the vehicle in the last 132' to establish it's top speed. It then slows down and clears the runway where upon we send the next vehicle. Once a run is complete you receive a time slip, If your time is a record... you proceed to an impound area where the Vehicle and record are certified. Then you get in line and start the process all over again.

    So on and so forth.....now to the actual introductions.... There are 4 principal organizers of these events. Myself and my wife Tonya and our Partners Joe and Donna Timney, All Four of us our Motorcyclist's as well as Race car drivers. Each of us are members of multiple 200mph clubs ( meaning we've set records over 200mph ) Tonya and I are from Southern Alabama and Joe and Donna will be coming from Delaware. ( that's a tiny state out east somewhere)..( think really small )...

    Anyway we've been looking for a New home as our lease has run it's course in Maxton North Carolina... We aren't simply looking for a new place to race... we're looking for a New Home, a place were we can have a long term relationship with not only a decent facility but a community as well....

    Bottom line.... we're all genuinely excited.... your State and community have truly welcomed us with open arm's...

    Thanks for taking the time to read my drivel.....

    Be Safe, Go fast, Have fun!!!

    Keith Turk

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