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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET


    Diet bros

    genetics tells me i can eat whatever the fuck i want, and remain semi skinny. but, i will only be glorious when i dedicate myself to a diet and hitting the gymnasium. i am trying to find a combination to optimize this. this means: 1. eating a salad of spinach, tuna, tomatoes, versus getting a philly cheese steak, fries and coke at lunch 2. avoiding carbs 3. not eating after certain time every night (8:30ish) 4. smaller "meals" during the day" 5. not drinking (hard part) 6. crushing protein and taking care of myself post workout GNAWMEAN?
  2. Perry county really doesn't either.
  3. i like the car. fuck paul, last i heard hes rocking a beatdick s10 and a trolled out jetski

    Diet bros

    hes probably going to say a fat burner and no xplode don't amount to gains

    Diet bros

    i haven't drank since saturday, and cut out all alcohol during the week. (last 3 weeks during the week, and all of this week so far)

    Diet bros

    i prefer redline anyway. shit is insane, makes me wanna puke all over the place.

    Diet bros

    what foods would sub well for carbs? bread vs. ?, oats vs. ? thats the problem i am having...

    Diet bros

    ive done a dirty bulk before, i could put on srs size and not have to do more than hit the gym and choke down mcd's and protein. now, this puts on bodyfat too, not something i want to do. i was also reading that fat vs carbs, fat provides twice as much energy when compared gram for gram. maybe i need to find a way to add fats, without adding carbs? this all hinges on my belief that fat doesn't make you fat, carbs do though.
  9. RELIABLE AS FUCK minus the sparkplugs just falling out and shit.

    Diet bros

    i figured you would chime in. what do you weigh now/when you started?
  11. Sounds like he'll take this experience.... to the grave.. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkBUEsYtCy20btmxZ5xoa0I57eMB0QxWA1qCoKVaZ1Tq2fhYQN4g

    Diet bros

    dead srs. i am in a caloric deficit to attempt to lose fat, yet I am still eating a ton of protein to take advantage of gains when lifting.

    Diet bros

    Is it absolutely necessary to go through defined cutting and defined bulking periods, or can you both cut and bulk at the same time?
  14. I'm down. Prk rally destination?
  15. halfway to st pattys day is good. or we could rally to windsor.
  16. Georgias uniforms sucked. Oregons are way better.
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