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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. cash it then send me 10% then I will reimburse you for your troubles. regards respectfully, prince mogobow III
  2. i might go with gerg. gerg wanna ride up in da bmw?
  3. someone convinced a sys admin to install malware on a system, and they were able to steal the database. the end.
  4. DHL closing is why wilmington needs to happen. i bet those people are living in cardboard boxes eating beans and weeners and jacking off with used gear oil. Aside, i think I remember a few members wanting to make a run at it (270).
  5. A clean lap would require almost a perfect storm of events to occur.
  6. No, Johnny Nofun has too many tools, helicopters, motorola, etc. AMIRITE?
  7. Anyway, lets discuss the merits of this. The huge obstacles are: 1. COPS COPS COPS WE GOT COPS! Without a doubt the largest risk. 2. Other motorists. Need to make an attempt after hours. Too much traffic otherwise 3. ODOT's handywork. Someone who is apparently even a bigger drunk than I, has been charged with patching the pot holes on 270. Its like a fucking minefield. 4. Cooling. If im rockin a turbinator, this is even more of an issue. Heatsoaking = bad. Blown HG = possible. Probably need an NA car/bike. 5. Tires. I have not driven at such speeds for a sustained amount of time. It was brought to my attention that tires would need addressed.
  8. Fucking faggot get out of my thread.
  9. Are u using cross multiplication or what? Give me the equation so I can compute this because I drank half a bottle of jack. Or wait, did I post this to outwit dragknee?
  10. I heard it was a ricart owned lambo with no lights and night vision goggles. AMIRITE?
  11. There was a thread, but you and I never talked. If so I can't remember but then again, I am an alcoholic.
  12. Not likely. You would be ok.
  13. I agree with you rarely, but this point we agree on. I never stated any intent.
  14. This is a solo attempt, so don't even mention street racing, ORC 4511.251, which CR does not condone.
  15. Ok, minus rocket powered semis you fucking night of thunder national trails hillbilly.

    270 record

    For historical purposes only, what is the current time record around I-270 (54 mi)? I know this was a thread within the last 2 yrs. I am wondering when the most recent attempt was completed. Thanks :gabe:
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