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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. or just use a p2p proxy you tards and print of as many as you can?
  2. I hereby declare march troll history month. I have a dream, that one day all trolls will be treated as equal members on cr. No longer will we be opressed and shackled by the cr administration. No longer will we be banned from using the same forum sections as others. No longer will we be viewed as the scourge of the earth. Use this moment to speak of great moments in trolling. Remember your great troll predecessors who fought for equal trolling opportunity. Trolls, rise up with me as I sound the troll whistle: DERP DEEEEEEERPPPPP! Jones eat a cockmeat sandwich.
  3. Hey hit me up sometime too we can work out at UA in new alb. Ur a member there right?
  4. Good, you are doing it correctly then. Id get rwdboostcoupe to draft you up a plan for some circuit training. That works really well. Diet first, then lifting, then cardio. That should be the focus.
  5. dude, you have some nuts. $10 range fee isn't worth being associated with him in any way.
  6. if i still had ncaa eligibility id be using it
  7. Cardio is not the way to lose weight. Proper diet will net you losses even if you avoid the gym though. Pair a good diet with low weight/high rep weight lifting, you will cut up while losing lbs. I used to run competitively and can tell you that running even up to 70 miles per week does very little for me in terms of weight loss. Some runners will actually gain weight at a certain point, say they are running 70 miles per week and increase to 85 or 90, they begin to gain weight.
  8. You guys may be in over your heads, i suspect shipping will be a rapefest. Again, Ill try to get a picture up of just how much this is. We started filling a hot water heater box and realized it was infact much more. Probably 2 water heater boxes. Box is probably 5'x2'x2'. Two of those likely.
  9. I do want a leopard print manthong though
  10. Balls are fine the way they are.
  11. Also willing to entertain offers for the whole lot. Its a ton. I might post a pic of the magnitude of it.
  12. Lol shit is not mine. My grandpa died and we found all this in his apt. if anything its a good thing cause it helped us laugh while cleaning his shit up. I think he aquired them at random or in bulk based on receipts and order forms we found.
  13. My petrobras stock is goin up thanks to the mid east tension.


    Ehh, idk if I need to join anymore forums...


    Kk leme know when I can take its v card
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