Im in the guard. I would try to get a commission before EVER going enlisted if you are dead set on getting in. Do it to become and officer, and dont settle for anything less. As a side note, you may not be able to get on with the Air National Guard though, because I believe Ohio is at 113% manning currently, and we need to get back down to 105%. This may just be for enlisted positions though, im not sure.
All in all I have mixed feelings about my experience. On one hand im pretty salty about going to base sometimes, because it seems like drill weekends always fall on days where I have really important things to do. I was also pretty pissed about being at basic training. On the other hand, they paid TONS of my tuition, TONS of GI Bill, and I got a $10k bonus at signing. That and the clearance you will receive affords you the ability to apply for jobs you otherwise wouldnt be qualified for on the government side. If I were to do it again, I would have either gone active duty as an officer, or not done it at all.