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Everything posted by AWW$HEEET

  1. can we do weds? im goin to polaris grill tonight.
  2. lemme guess, did cordell infract you?
  3. Kipp Raines Broke into a porsche dealership and drove a car through the window. Didn't you guys see it on the news? Brother is Memphis? http://media.screened.com/uploads/0/5125/403860-kip_raines.gif
  4. more like the cle crew is a band of colt driving knuckleheads
  5. financials are being regulated into non existence.
  6. i went there like 2 weeks ago and they were closing up at 7:55. FUUUU
  7. http://www.woot.com/ Pretty decent deal on invictas today. I personally don't like em but this is a good deal.
  8. Thanks tim just what i needed this AM.
  9. You can't do round multiple round trips on stocks, you can get around it by opening a margin acct though. I am pissed. I pulled all my money out a week ago to make someone a huge personal loan. I am making sick interest, but probably not what I would have been making on Transocean and Alcoa alone.

    The Blitz

    Sounded like this morning it was chadillac, ronnie, billie, and shark. Lol at them not having assclown Jake on there.
  11. http://i1262.photobucket.com/albums/ii601/brendo389/transam4.jpg
  12. Anyone effected by this? I cannot wait to see it fail again, the suspense is killing me. Supposedly they are going to cut all sports, extracurriculars, and non essential curriculum. Can't wait for the new flurry of cheap homes!
  13. Country is too addicted to entitlements, sad but it comes at the expense of taxpayers.

    The Blitz

    jones that is retarded. i refuse to pay for radio.

    The Blitz

    What is wrong with this failboat station? Jesus christ. Chain of events: Howard Stern is pulled (fail) Grego show= fail Bob and Tom = fail Blazor and Mo = ok I guess Mo leaves/is fired Theo leaves/is fired Blazor leaves for another show Then I am cruising in today this AM, and its Ronnie and Billie talking about their periods. All the meanwhile they have also hired that new unfunny faggot Jake. What has happened here?


    doesnt sound right...


    when you are talking about multiple people with the last name farkas, is it farkases or farkii?
  19. I would stick to a low speed random orbital vs going with a high speed wheel. You are asking a ton of loaded questions gergson.
  20. I love phil race videos. Never fails to hear him bouncing it off the limiter. RAT TAT TAT TAT TAT
  21. Zee ow ma gawd look at these hilarious. Super bewl comercials~! Most are pathetic. You can tell that some disconnected boring ass white 46 yr old millionaires came up with in the board room. They read like a das borgen lol thread post, full of failure and dissapointment.
  22. I think you should be fine. I think you were smart enough to not leave it as bare metal for too long. Regards, Dolan
  23. mayors arent appointed....
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