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Posts posted by JBarx

  1. I've been watching this for a while now from AFJ. Not really sure what to add, but this is really bizarre to say the least.

    Personally, I'm all about making connections in the motorcycle community and picking up anything I can along the way to get better. I don't care what forum you're on or whatever. If we have something we can learn from each other, then why not use it? As far as this thread is concerned though, I have no horse in this race. I like Brandon, he's always willing to help me out and I appreciate him for that. His reaction to Ben is his business, I don't have anything to do with it. Those two don't like each other. It happens.

    I've learned a lot from guys you have here like Brian-KTM, and I have learned a lot from guys at AFJ. The "us vs. them" thing is bullshit. We live in Ohio. This isn't some biker gang turf war. Brandon and Ben don't like each other and are going to spar. That's the long and the short of it.

    Not that anyone cares what I think. ;)

    • Upvote 4
  2. It was awesome! Bruce rode it once we got it to my place but I enjoyed the ride the whole way and yeah those brakes are good for awhile stopped on a dime no problem, was just different having to go higher RPMs in lower gears to get to speed but I've been riding the crap outta my Zx9 lol

    Yeah you guys might need to give that thing an "Italian tune-up" because I haven't put a lot of miles on it in the last six months. I left the clutch with a lot of slop too, because I used to like it that way. Easy to change that, of course.

    Hope it continues to be a solid bike and Bruce has fun with it.

    Sorry for the threadjack, back to your regularly scheduled programming. ;)

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