I basically did research to find the average G force load of an impact of sufficient force to cause bodily injury, and subtracted 25% from it. It has been tested in hard stops, etc, and has NOT had a false positive This being said, I cannot gurantee NO false positives, however, I have been able to minimize it. The one time that a false positive WOULD be an issue, is, if the phone is dropped. This imparts a G load similar to that which can cause injury. This is why I made the acceleration sensor easy to activate and deactivate from within the app, with a single button push. the idea is, when you get off the bike, just click disable, and as you get back on, simply click enable to turn it back on. It doesnt have a lot of fancy pretty features, screens, and animations, as my idea was to design this app for simple functionality, and ease of access, rather than all the bells and whistles out there on a lot of apps. Also when I do publish it,, I will open a thread here, on ORDN, for feedback, so that I can make adjustments and add requested features as needed/requested... Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2