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Everything posted by Oryon
Yes it would. Anything with an impact large enough to cause harm would set it off. Tight now I have it set to SMS the address nearby, but I cab easily add GPS coordinates as well...that's probably a good idea anyway, as it could appeal to folks outside of the motorcycle world.. Sent from my ALCATEL_one_touch_995S using Tapatalk 2
thats not a bad idea Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
I can easily add the ability to capture video/audio, I even considered it, but I thought that most folks would hit activate, and drop it in a pocket, thus negating the need for audio/video... if thats a feature you guys think would be used, I can easily add it. As for battery usage, that is another reason I made the app very "lightweight" since the accelerometers are on by default in the phone, that part adds no drain to the battery. The only added drain is a simple routine that is checking the accelerometer to exceed a certain value, which then invokes the rest of the app. Free/paid version is a good idea, maybe free allows message to 1 person, paid 5 contacts, as well as initiates a call to 911 on it's own? or offer 2 paid version, which say for .99 you get the 5 contacts, 911 (optional), and for 1.99 it will record video/audio as well? As far as the interface, I made it very simple and clean. A lot of apps out there use flashy graphics and such, which is fine for a game or whatnot, but this app is meant for serious business, and I decided it needed to be simple to understand and use. As for activating/deactivating....There really is not a way around that, since the impact of a dropped phone,, is very close to the threshold which an impact causing an injury can occur... Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
I basically did research to find the average G force load of an impact of sufficient force to cause bodily injury, and subtracted 25% from it. It has been tested in hard stops, etc, and has NOT had a false positive This being said, I cannot gurantee NO false positives, however, I have been able to minimize it. The one time that a false positive WOULD be an issue, is, if the phone is dropped. This imparts a G load similar to that which can cause injury. This is why I made the acceleration sensor easy to activate and deactivate from within the app, with a single button push. the idea is, when you get off the bike, just click disable, and as you get back on, simply click enable to turn it back on. It doesnt have a lot of fancy pretty features, screens, and animations, as my idea was to design this app for simple functionality, and ease of access, rather than all the bells and whistles out there on a lot of apps. Also when I do publish it,, I will open a thread here, on ORDN, for feedback, so that I can make adjustments and add requested features as needed/requested... Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
As some of you may or may not know, I do side work as an android app developer. I have developed an app, which, utiliizing the phone's accelerometer, detects an impact which would be determined to be an impact... then it utilizes the GPS, and sends a series of text messages, with the nearest address to your location, to your emergency contact, all automatically. The detection can be enabled and disabled. The idea is, before you get on your bike, or in your car, you activate the sensor/app, and should you have an accident, your ICE contact (chosen when opening the app) would be automatically contacted and provided with your current location. I am putting the finishing touches on the app, and plan to have it live in the play store this weekend. So, the question is, I am going to price it at $1.99.. would you as consumers, be willing to pay 1.99 for this feature set? Any suggestions on things you would want to see in an app like this? Thanks! Sent from my Transformer using Tapatalk 2
Been in IT for about 14 years now...specializing in Cisco networking and now focusing on VMware.. I agree 100%. Employee first, Google is your best friend, and don't hesitate to know your limits. Be prepared to always learn, if you stop learning, you will be an epic failure in IT. Ill offer to come help you evaluate the current network, and give advice on theirgoals as well...if I cant get up there, ill still be glad to offer advice, just toss me a PM. Im very familiar with large and medium environments, and am currently working for CBTS, consulting to General Electric in the commercial cloud environment... Matt Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
I think it sparked when the liquid hit the power supply, I was aiming up towards the CPU, distracted by the conference call, unintentionally tilted the can, and sprayed the liquid right up into the CPU and power supply...pretty sure this is how it happeded... Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
yes I think I'm OK...soon as I got a whiff of that smell I left the room and closed the door...caught my breath, and held it to go back in to open windows...smell is almost gone now, and aside from a slight burning in my nostrils, my breathing pretty much back to normal..checked the can out, and this stuff is diflourethane..which when it burns produces some nasty shit... definitely going to pay attention to myself for a while, but I do think I'm alright...called a nurse friend of mine, she said as long as I dont have breathing trouble or che stain I should be OK..I'm just lucky I wasn't exposed to more.... So now I sit here on my tablet, with both windows open in the office, 2 fans going, band duct tape sealing the door until it ventilates out...ugh... Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
I'm feeling better..my concern wasn't so much the propellant, as the byproducts of the combustion of the propellant...aparrently it can produces some pretty nasty stuff... Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
Yea mine does too...pretty much I wasn't paying attention to the can because I was on the conference call at the same time...basically a bonehead move. Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
I know I inhaled some, but the irritation is slacking off...if it gets any worse I plan to go to er. Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
So, working from home today...new job allows me to do so 3 days a week...and I'm on a conference call...my computer fan starts making a lot of racket so I mute the call, pop the side off, and grab the canned air...can't quite reach the fan, so not thinking I point thenozzleupwards, thus releasing the liquid...no, the cold didnthurt the computer, but aparrently something was hot enough to ignite the damn liquid/gas...big ass fireball shoots out of my PC...it immediately went out gut left behind a horrible smell, and caused me some lung irritation...still coughing up gunk from it....needless to say,I will NOT be using that crap any more..and I advise noone else to do so either.. Sent from my Transformer TF101anned using Tapatalk 2
Cool Van, I'm right down at Clermont County (I69) home of Sporty's! Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
Van, whereabouts do you live? when you get all of your ducks in a row on it, let me know.. the guy who does my annual on the Pitts is retiring this year, so I will need a new inspector next year, be glad to bring a fellow aviation and motorcycle enthusiast the business! Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
So far storms here in Cincinnati area have been pretty disappointing compared to the hype for the day... might be more firing up to the west though Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2
LOL such a true statement there! Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
So, I'm helping my parents out by selling my mom's scooter... its practically brand new.. she just couldnt handle the "leaning" so they got her a trike scooter.. and needed to sell this one. So for about the past month or so.. I have been jsut pulling it aorund front and parking it.. then around back at end of the day..l etc... which finally the battery started getting weak. So, this time, I let it idle for about 20 minutes to charge up... now, when I ride, I ALWAYS wear long pants.. but I was "just" pulling it around back.. so I didnt bother... around it goes, parked, shut down, and off I hop.. as I turn around, a freaking stray cat runs out of nowhere and starts trying to kill me by tripping me.. (rubbing itself on my ankles).. of course.. I stumble at this point, RIGHT INTO THE FREAKING HOT EXHAUST PIPE OF THE SCOOTER... OUCH.....nice 2nd degree burn on the OUTSIDE of my calf... not a typical muffler burn for sure! Figures.. of all things.. the damned scooter bites me, without even leaving my house! So anyway.. hers a pic, this is after about a week...(this happened last sunday) Hopefully it will heal up soon, as this is pretty damned painful!
To move user folders, try the group policy settings, for folder redirection. That is how we put user files on a network server, in a domain. I would assume the same would work for a local machine, with local folder redirection. Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk 2
Nicely done! Yea im out back shooting right now! Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
That shot was at night, auto exposure, ISO 400, turned out pretty well i think..I shoot with a Nikon D70 DSLR... funny that I have a harder time with daytime shots than night, since ive heard night is harder before too! If I catch a downpour of naked women on camera, I promise I will post the photos and video!
Time exposure, set up the shutter for 30 second release, triggered via remote. basically aim the cam @ the active part of the sky, trigger, wait, trigger, wait. etc etc.. wound up with over 120 shots last night to get that one good bolt shot!
Noce shot Buildit! I mainly shoot lighting after dark where can leave the shutter open, any advice for daylight shooting? (I of course shoot other weather stuff in the daylight, chasing a tornado after dark is just stupid)
Still flying out of Warren Co. Rent a Cherokee 180, I also rent/borrow a PItts S2C upon occasion out of Muncie Indiana, old friend of mine owns. Plan is to build a Vans RV-8 someday, probably not till I retire though.. got that family crap going on... On a side note of combining those activities, I read that the Natl Weather Svc is buying a fleet of retired A-10 warthogs, and outfitting them with meteorologic instrumentation, and then going to use them to fly into the mesocyclone and possibly even the funnel of Supercell storms out west! Kind of a twist on the "hurricane Hunters" Now THAT would be a hell of a job for a pilot!! If I had my commercial ticket and turbine time.. etc etc, id apply for that job!
Rode to work yesterday, nice long ride.. live in Milford, work out in the Delhi area.. back roads all the way.. Got a little concerned @ the end of the day with the storms firing up, but I got home in plenty of time to get settled in and the camera set up to get some lightning shots! Was the longest ride ive had since I started riding about a month ago... took around an hour and a half w/ traffic... Got lucky though, only one cage gave me any issues... dumbass on a cell phone did a.. yep.. you guessed it.. left turn to a side street right infront of me.. was able to brake and take the leftmost part of the lane and got around her, but the ol asshole was puckered up so tight I couldn't even fart for the rest of the day! All in all though, I fully enjoyed the ride, and look forward to more of it over the summer!
Not from last night, I do have some from over the years, including a few tornado shots and video, that i'll link up here sometime soon... Hoping to get some more tonight with the weather we are having down here...