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About wriXB9R

  • Birthday 02/03/1983

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  • Vehicles(s)
    2007 Buell XB9r

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. wriXB9R

    5/20 Sunday

    Your guess is a good as mine. I have zero brusing on my legs, feet knees, or hips. Beyond the hip i only had one bruse on my lower left back assiciated with a scrape. So all I can guess is that Torque the wrong direction on the leg while i was tumbling cause it to pop out of the back of the socket. If it was a direct impact injury I should have some brushing somewhere.
  2. wriXB9R

    5/20 Sunday

    Yea tpoppa. Kevin's old ride. And yea he knows. I was suppose to pm you at some point to ask questions about the setup and handling but that prb wont happen for a while now if at all. are these all of your old spare parts sitting in my garage??? Black xb12r??? From someone who blew up actor racing or something like that... Uncle Punk... you're pretty much right on the cause except for the speed thing. I was moving but I slowed down on this curve pretty well. I'm pretty sure I was actually down around the 35-45 area. I might have been a little hot rolling in but my biggest mistake in hindsight was my entry which happened way late. I was close to the edge working on a correction to avoid the guard rail and caught a little gravel. So I in essence made a few solid rookie mistakes. Wrong approach... Eyes drifted to danger instead of sticking on the Curve... Add in Just a few peices of gravel on the edge and I was toast. If I had hit the curve at a better angle I probably would've been ok. Lesson well learned. September's when I'm suppose to be off crutches so maybe by then I'll have had enough spare time to get the bike running again (with some spare hands from a few of my friends of course). If anyone wants to donate some time to the cause of getting the bike back up and running PM me. I usually keep plenty of beer around and some of the harder stuff too (so long as your not riding).
  3. wriXB9R

    5/20 Sunday

    Uncle Punk... In case you didn't get my pm go ahead with the pics. I'll be in surgery at Metro tomorrow noonish to remove the bone fragment. 10 weeks on crutches. So maybe I'll be back out on the bike by September. Just in time to freeze and ride!
  4. wriXB9R

    5/20 Sunday

    Damn. Alright. Ps... No I didnt get her number.
  5. wriXB9R

    5/20 Sunday

    Well here's the hip before they reset it. Headed to the orthopedic shortly for a follow up. A lot less pain and pending the bike situation should be back out in 4-6 weeks. Bike is stuck at impound in coshocton so i gotta figure out getting that thing back. Any of you guys who saw it... beyond the forks, shifter pedal, clutch side handlebar, mirrors, plastic.... anything else major you saw wrong? I should have spares off all of the above listed parts. Less some bolts, bearings, bushings as long as it still looked ok i might be back in business fairly quickly.
  6. wriXB9R

    5/20 Sunday

    Almost home. Thanks for those of you who rolled out with us this morning for sticking around after my accident. Ended up with a dislocated hip but I'm doing fine. I'll have my work cut out for me to get myself and the bike out on the road but it'll happen... I'll just be sure to "tag along" on more of a rookie ride in the future. I'm not at that point yet to roll with you guys.
  7. wriXB9R

    My hips out!

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