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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. You're on here late.
  2. Definitely. Keep in touch man. You have my number.
  3. Sean, buddy I am sorry, but I HATE looking at it that way. lol
  4. BTW, your car is funking sexy as hell.
  5. Awww shucks! *blush* You're too kind.
  6. How is that working out for ya?
  7. I dunno if that would be a girl I care to associate with :lol:


    ...or would I?

  8. Yeah I will be out. I will be autocrossing and getting a few road course events in this season. Obviously, I will make it to some night events too.
  9. I want to pee on you.
  10. I figured I would join the drama.

  11. Dunno why, but I have been listening to "Bartender" by T-Pain like it is going out of style soon.


    Yes, that was random.

  12. You don't have to ask me twice :D
  13. I just had a tall glass of skim milk.
  14. ORLY? Keeping it regular more often does wonders.
  15. I will be up to the meets on Friday or Saturday night. I should be in the Shitvic. Talon is still down :rolleyes:
  16. I am unpredictable.
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