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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. I am unpredictable.
  2. I ask myself that same question every day. :/
  3. I can has Mustang?
  4. I can't tell you that. Kim Jong Il will behead me if I say anything.
  5. I eat my own poo.
  6. I have come to visit you. I am now leaving.
  7. I just had a tall glass of skim milk.
  8. I just realized that you had Popcorn as your avatar. You win the internet. All of it.
  9. I just wanted to tell you that I have to pee. I'm going to get up now and go do just that.
  10. I know you are, but what am I?
  11. I know. I was watching you. FUCKING HOT.
  12. I like the woods. It's quiet here. The voices stay away when I'm here.
  13. I may. Who knows how I will feel on Saturday. I am feeling like complete shit smear right now.
  14. I REALLY need to get a nice camera. I saw a really amazing layout of the moon tonight that would've been perfect for a wallpaper. My camera(POS) only got a glimpse of a yellowish blur.
  15. I saw a couple kids blow a mortar up last night about 3 feet away from them. Somehow it did not fly UP, but rather detonated nearly immediately. I was about 30 feet away. It was VERY pretty. I was laughing so hard I nearly pissed myself :lol:
  16. I want some damn cake.
  17. I want to pee on you.
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