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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. You should cleverly disguise dat dare Toyota like a DSM and show up at the shootout ready to run.
  2. Keep all the freedom for yourself? You stingy gingy.
  3. OK, fine. Don't talk to me.
  4. No one will notice. Ever.
  5. Carlton has spoken.
  6. Weak. The S2K would've made me come 8.904 times.
  7. You hit VTEC y0!?
  8. That's odd. I would think the Stook would've felt more aggressive.
  9. I know you are, but what am I?
  10. I'll answer it for ya. I'm a fuckin' undercover ninja.
  11. I just saw your car in your signature. That's sexy as fuck. I just figured I would tell you since I know we (car guys) like hearing that from time to time.



  12. I can't tell you that. Kim Jong Il will behead me if I say anything.
  13. Happy 5th of July.
  14. Speaking of...I need a new battle axe. The last one was fucking delusional. I got rid of her ass after she tried to make me her kid's new daddy. :gtfo:
  15. I wrote this message.
  16. I saw a couple kids blow a mortar up last night about 3 feet away from them. Somehow it did not fly UP, but rather detonated nearly immediately. I was about 30 feet away. It was VERY pretty. I was laughing so hard I nearly pissed myself :lol:
  17. Old school term for your "hoe". :D
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