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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. Maybe. I am coming down with the flu I think. I am already considering not going to class tomorrow. :(
  2. Buy a quad instead?
  3. Weak. Buy something you can bring down here to ride.
  4. I may. Who knows how I will feel on Saturday. I am feeling like complete shit smear right now.
  5. You'll never see my fatass at a McDonalds, so no :D
  6. Hey man. I didn't see the intro thread until after it was locked. Glad you could make it on here.



  7. Just this one time.
  8. I now have a turbo MKIII in my driveway. Did I buy it?



  9. All your weight, it falls on me, it brings me down.
  10. Is there anyone in your family named "Ace"? That would be super swell!
  11. Surgeried!? Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet. (I'm continuing this here because my phone's signal strength is low.
  12. I ask myself that same question every day. :/
  13. So, did they take the toe off?
  14. No. You are Englebert Humperdink.
  15. As is yours. Thank you very much kind sir.
  16. OK, but you gotta do all that weird squeaky shit like he does.
  17. Why the hell? Now you have to pay out the ass in doctor bills. I told you I would've taken it off with bolt cutters for free! I would've even numbed it up for you with a hammer. I'm a NICE guy like that.
  18. I'll take one tomorrow.
  19. A little less "eeee" and more "aWoAAAAAAAoooooAAAAAA aaaa AAAAaaaoow"


    See vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAdaIxP6I7M

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