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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. Wake up dammit. The birds are out singing and shit.
  2. I'm getting all anxious for August now.
  3. So very nice of you. Thank you.
  4. I got pulled over tonight. He let me go.


    Do you feel better now that you know that?

  5. A little less "eeee" and more "aWoAAAAAAAoooooAAAAAA aaaa AAAAaaaoow"


    See vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gAdaIxP6I7M

  6. OK, but you gotta do all that weird squeaky shit like he does.
  7. No. You are Englebert Humperdink.
  8. I ask myself that same question every day. :/
  9. Just this one time.
  10. You'll never see my fatass at a McDonalds, so no :D
  11. I have come to visit you. I am now leaving.
  12. Yeah, I figured that is fitting for me someday.
  13. This is me in like 10 years.


  14. You need to hurry up and get the damn Camaro done!
  15. LMFAO @ Paul's new name. :lol:
  16. I saw a couple kids blow a mortar up last night about 3 feet away from them. Somehow it did not fly UP, but rather detonated nearly immediately. I was about 30 feet away. It was VERY pretty. I was laughing so hard I nearly pissed myself :lol:
  17. I wrote this message.
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