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Status Updates posted by FourString

  1. Finally pay your bill?
  2. You are a vagina. An unused vagina at that.
  3. Heh...you said taint.
  4. I got pulled over tonight. He let me go.


    Do you feel better now that you know that?

  5. Dave, we had this discussion about two years ago LOL.
  6. I'm sick of living down here. Let me move in with you. I will stay with Dave.
  7. HA! I see what you did there.
  8. So very nice of you. Thank you.
  9. What is this ginger talking about?





  10. I just wanted to tell you that I have to pee. I'm going to get up now and go do just that.
  11. You mean on here? Not much to say.
  12. No joke? I'll take it.
  13. How about a repeat of last year? Happy Birthday!
  14. Hmmm, you're right. I guess the new job keeps me on a weird schedule.
  15. It is a phenomenal lube. I break in all of my engines with butter.
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