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Posts posted by drinkingmymilk

  1. First and foremost, Thanks.

    My name's Chris and I'm organizing a group from Connecticut to do a few day trip out to Cedar Point and Mid Ohio next season. Just have a few questions as none of us have ever been to Mid-Ohio before.

    Camping at the track - Can we camp? If we can, can we camp only the nights between or can we camp the night before as well? Also, is there a charge for tents?

    Time of season - What's the best time to come over? Around here we only have New Hampshire and New Jersey. New Hampshire it's freezing past mid-september. New Jersey for some reason is always covered in pollen in the spring. So we all typically avoid the tracks at each point. I'd hate for us to come out in the middle of bug or rain season and be miserable.

    Hotels - If needed, area recomendations? We'd all much rather camp though. (Most of us are cheap bastards.)

    Track - Tard friendly? (question from some guy coming who doesn't own a tard yet. :wtf:)

    The Wives - With this being a week trip and going to Cedar point, A bunch of the wives/girl friends who don't ride will be coming along. Is there anything in the are to entertain them while we ride in circles?

    I'm sure I'll think of more as we get closer but for now that's it. Thanks again and hope to meet some of you guys while we're in your part of the country.

  2. Thanks for the welcomes guys. Looking forward to meeting a few of you for sure.

    :welcomeor: And most all of your track questions can be answered on Mid Ohio SCC's website, but others here may chime in with more info for you. As for the Cedar Point tips, go during the week, book your hotels a couple months in advance for both ventures, bring lots of cash and wave it around at people to make friends fast :D

    Hope sometime we can converge our crazy groups for some multi-state shennanigans

    Ha! Thanks. I'll be sure to keep you guys in the loop when we get dates nailed down. Also going to keep reading up on their page.

    Garages at the track have power. No animals or camping at the track. No gate fees. Not sure about next year but in the past they serve burgers and hotdogs for lunch free.

    Not much to do around the track itself but Polaris about an hour south has good shopping and enough to keep them busy.

    Sweet on the garages. Damn on the dog!, My lab is gonna be pissed. Awesome on the lunch. Question on the camping though, If you do back to back days, do you have to pack everything up? Then un-pack again in the morning? Seems like a pain, but really, I'm driving 12 hours, I'm doing two days so I'd put up with it.

    Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions guys.

    Any recomendations on places to stay?


    Now I'm getting confused on the camping thing.. I believe you guys but thier site.. http://www.midohio.com/Fan-Guide/Camping

  3. Hey Guys, My name is Chris. Not from Ohio but found this forum on the mid-ohio page. A few of us from Bandofriders.net a local CT. forum were thinking of coming out to mid-ohio next summer to change up our regular NHMS and NJMP.

    Of course, My wife was sitting with us when the idea came up. She wants to hit Cedar Point while we're out there. So now this has become a trip with about 10 guys and 6 wives who want to swing out to Ohio for a random 4-5 day trip next summer.

    We do a big trip up to VT. on the street bikes every year so planning this is something we're dumb enough to go through with. Figured the locals would have the best info on where to stay and where to send the wives who don't ride while we're on the track so they aren't bored out of their skull.

    Any houses to rent for a few days in the area? Or decent hotels?

    Recommendations on the track? Is there power? Garages? Can we camp there the night before a track day? Can we bring the dog?

    Any pointers on Cedar Point?

    Best time of year out there? For example, Track days in Oct. at NHMS are 35 degrees in the mornings, July in NJ is 100 degrees in the pits and April the entire track is covered in pollen which is slick as hell.

    Huge thanks in advance guys.

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