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Everything posted by nwatts

  1. nwatts


    I didn't really care where it was from I was just looking for some friends with the same interest as me that's all. It's fine if you all don't want to chat with me because I'm not from there then that fine I'm sure there others that won't mind and if you all do I'll find a different site where I can talk motorcycles and not have to sit here and try to convince people I'm real
  2. nwatts


    I would love too where are you located at?
  3. nwatts


    I didn't know thats how you do it. I thought that you were suppose to introduce your self
  4. nwatts


    I didn't know asking a question about reviews is spam. That's an honest question got burnt by some dip sh*t and I don't want to make the same mistake
  5. nwatts


    So because I live in California I can't be on this forum? Maybe I just don't talk to you! I just moved there not that its any of your business. Thanks jester for the welcome screw you magley in the nicest respectable way.
  6. I thought it was pretty funny too. I think the mother took it a little to far if she went to the school and did all that. I think its crazy she would make a big deal out of a field trip that I'm sure wasn't planned just because there was colored kids in the class. I bet if there was no colored kids they still would have went to the cotton processing plant.
  7. I would love to can you get to California? I wish you were closer I would love to have someone to go ride around with. We just moved so I don't really know anyone yet.
  8. Hey everyone I was curious on what website everyone uses to check out reviews? I had a bad experience with some gear I purchase and I'm trying to avoid doing the same thing. I use -------- Has anyone heard of them or use this website? I've seen a lot of good things on there websites the last few days but I would like some input from all of you.
  9. nwatts


    Hi everyone my name is Nick and I'm new here. Looking for some new friends
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