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Posts posted by BugginsDR

  1. Wear your smiley shirt with the bleeding bullet wound in the forehead, open carry, make your first stop the ammo counter and make sure to buy bulk ammo. Problem(s) solved.

    Is excessive inbreeding when a brother trips his sister being chased by another brother and they don't know who the father is?

  2. I have 2 OFNA 4wd 1/8 buggys. One was my son's that he lost interest in with the stock .26 big block in it and mine is way wicked modded with a Hyper .21, ceramic bearings, performance exhaust, big bore shocks, modded Jammin suspension and is stupid fast. Handles like it is on rails and soaks up the jumps. I also use a spread spectrum radio so I get no interference with anybody, it's what most folks use now any how. I also used to race outdoors on a local track but they have shut down since and mostly just bash mine around. Still great fun to smell that nitro burn but it also very expensive. No way to recover the money I have invested in mine, so I just have fun with about once a year and that's it.

    That track posted above looks like a great place, have fun with it but be ready to spend stupid money.

  3. A word to describe or current political situation, be looking for it in Webster's dictionary soon...........



    A system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.

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  4. Thanks a bunch! Toledo sucks for decent roads and no gravel roads either! I am planning some weekend rides on down to the southern and eastern part of the state in the spring and summer of next year. Gotta get some tires and wanna get some high rise bars before I go on a longer trip. I have a buddy from somewhere down there and he says I'll love it. I can't enough of the twist and turning roads. I have to ride back up into Michigan where I used to live for the twisties. With the colder temps setting in, I'm just staying close to home for now......

  5. Thanks for the warm welcome folks! Lived here for just about 17 years. Picked up my DR last spring after being off my own bike for just about 20 years. Have ridden friends bikes of various models but could never shake the "need" to be able to go offroad and get muddy or just explore a 2 track. Looking forward to making down to the southern and eastern part of the state next summer and yes still riding in the cold. I need to get a cover however because the frost on it in the am is no fun. I work 3rd shift and ride it most nights to commute to work. Thanks again for the warm welcome!

  6. Just droppin in real quick to say hello.

    I ride a Suzuki Dr650 and enjoy every moment on it. I belong to another forum but it's more just for info, was looking for something a little more local along with maybe some rides and I think I may have found it :D

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