I agree they should not have uncrated it, but he also put them off for a 9 days after its arrival, they should have contacted you but we also don't know what time they were delivered, maybe they didn't want to sit there another two hours after close and had no clue you had other plans... you should have gone and done the deal when the call came and not put it off over a week, its not their fault you are on vacation any more than its your fault they didn't call. I would say its just a bad deal and you have a small right to be upset, but they wouldn't have been wrong not to wait on a slow pay customer, deposit or not. unless your deposit covered their cost of the vehicle and all you owed was profit they had money sitting in a box and no clue when or if you'd finish the deal. there are alot of people who loose deposits because they just never have the cash to finish the deal. and no I don't work in a dealership, I work in the food industry.