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    1973 Ossa Pioneer (in progress)

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  1. Stunt riders performing at the Honda Marysville Motorsports' 10th Anniversary Bash this Saturday at 12, 3, and 6 pm. Free shows. Food and drink proceeds to the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation http://www.hondamotorsports.net/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=669411
  2. This Saturday! Come have an awesome day at the Honda Marysville Motorsports Ride for Kids and 10th Anniversary Party! Scenic ride in the morning followed by a bash featuring stunt riders, music, food and drink and more! All supporting the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation! Pre-register for the ride here: http://pbtf.convio.net/site/TR?fr_id=2050&pg=entry#.VZ6NXa5VhBc For details: http://www.hondamotorsports.net/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=669411
  3. Posting for a friend - I have zero details, contact info inside the CL ad For sale!!!! 2007 VTX1300 - $5999 or OBO. Info in link below http://columbus.craigslist.org/mcy/4933909690.html thank you!!!
  4. http://www.kilkare.com/--dragway-schedule-2015
  5. Details to come! Come check out Honda's offroad options! Briarcliff MX 4265 Briarcliff Road Nashport, OH 43830
  6. This Saturday! Come have an awesome day at the Honda Marysville Motorsports Ride for Kids and 10th Anniversary Party! Scenic ride in the morning followed by a bash featuring stunt riders, music, food and drink and more! All supporting the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation! Pre-register for the ride here: http://pbtf.convio.net/site/TR?fr_id=2050&pg=entry#.VZ6U4a5VhBd HONDA MARYSVILLE MOTORSPORTS 630 Colemans Crossing Boulevard Marysville, OH 43040 Phone: 937-645-4081 http://www.hondamotorsports.net/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=669417&smonth=1&syear=2015&emonth=12&eyear=2015&location=0&Submit=Search&inputpage=3
  7. Women welcome to come out to our garage party! There will be a maintenance clinic, food and door prizes! HONDA MARYSVILLE MOTORSPORTS 630 Colemans Crossing Boulevard Marysville, OH 43040 Phone: 937-645-4081 http://www.hondamotorsports.net/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=669409&smonth=1&syear=2015&emonth=12&eyear=2015&location=0&Submit=Search&inputpage=2
  8. Demo Days at Honda Marysville - free food, music and prize giveaways. Qualified riders can take a ride on the 2015 street models 630 Colemans Crossing Blvd Marysville, OH 43040 http://www.hondamotorsports.net/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=669404&smonth=1&syear=2015&emonth=12&eyear=2015&location=0&Submit=Search&inputpage=2
  9. We are kicking off the season March 21st with a FREE pancake breakfast and open house! Breakfast is served from 9-12 and open-house all day! We'll be running $20 Dyno pulls, $24.95 oil changes and $50 details. Ride out to the store that day receive a free Motorsports Koozie and a can of Honda Polish! hope to see you guys there! HONDA MARYSVILLE MOTORSPORTS 630 Colemans Crossing Boulevard Marysville, OH 43040 Phone: 937-645-4081 http://www.hondamotorsports.net/event_list_detail.asp?ecode=669402&smonth=1&syear=2015&emonth=12&eyear=2015&location=0&Submit=Search&inputpage=1
  10. This show was amazing! I wrote an article about it in the March Thunder Roads which should be hitting stands this weekend http://issuu.com/thunderroadsohio/docs/thunder_roads_ohio_march_2015/c/su8sj27
  11. Subscribed - I'll be by soon to meet you, Justin
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