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Status Updates posted by Scene

  1. I could go on and vent about some shit but I'll just keep it to myself.

  2. I don't even need to watch the game. I'll just check my timeline.

  3. I don't think I could ever get hip to watching Soccer.

  4. I feel so alive in the morning now that I get an extra hour of sleep

  5. I felt low-key famous today lol. #SceneAmatiX ✊????

  6. I finally can take the bike out tomorrow. Waiting for cement to cure is wack

  7. I got a taste for some Bosco Sticks. ????????????

  8. I got bored, so I decided to entertain myself. ???? ???? http://t.co/GIPiQIYFc5

  9. I got trust issues with the weather man

  10. I gotta check out FWD Dayclub / Nightclub this weekend.

  11. I gotta make it to the Ohio Sports & Music Festival next year. I slept on buying tickets for this weekend

  12. I hate sinus headaches. ????????

  13. I hate these horoscope tweets but I definitely agree with my last RT

  14. I hear and notice a lot of things, but I keep it to myself because actions speak louder than words.

  15. I just bob and weave these thots with weaves in

  16. I like seeing my friends do great things. It's motivational!

  17. I love remixing songs. I might drop a remix mixtape this fall. It's been too long since I've released a project

  18. I make good money now too so I'm gonna buy my mom this Louis Vuitton bag she always wanted. It paid off being a geek.

  19. I need some Nicki's to ménage me.

  20. I need some of my close friends to get a bike so y'all can ride with me. It's not the same when y'all follow me in a car lol

  21. I need to do something exciting this summer. My motivation for school is getting lower

  22. I should be able to get a decent amount of sleep tonight, but that probably won't happen lol

  23. I still think calls & texts are just for emergency. Just tweet me. It's more convenient for me

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