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Posts posted by hasuna

  1. I cc a m&p9c for a year. Loved the gun but i felt like it was to big? It poked a little. I then went to a khar cm45, It concealed nice but i just couldnt get myself to really like it. I felt like the slide was way to heavy for the gun. I bought a g27 2 months ago, been carrying it since. I feel like the G27 conceals better then the rest, It may just be the holster. Cant go wrong with a glock i guess. May just look into this new glock.
  2. Have you thought of boost mobile? i have a 100 off promo going on when you switch from another carrier. I can give you 100 off my cost on any phone you'd like.


    you also will not be able to use your droid maxx with any carrier outside the verizon network. Pageplus is a great choice but there plans suck when it comes to internet

  3. It was a ZL-1 ? If so I "talked" to the guy briefly in traffic one day on Henderson when I drove the GT3...apparently that's what two people in yellow cars are supposed to do. He then proceeded to drive off in a manor similar to what you describe. He works in the building next to where I work.



    I may have witnessed you getting on 315 from Henderson a couple times. Your car makes my penis jump when i hear it.

  4. I fractured both of my arms at 2 different points in my life, when lifting anything heavy my arms get weak. Lifting something as light as my cellphone hurts. In addition to that i have always had back problems. My back muscles are always extremely tight. Normal movements cause bones to pop. It has only gotten worse in the last 2 years. I should also mention i'm only 23. I smoke week about once a week maybe twice. I only smoke when my back pain is to a point where its making me an asshole to be around. It doesnt effect my life. I work 7 days a week most weeks, My brothers and I own and manage 6 locations around Columbus. It has never effected our work ethic.
  5. Oh Jesus, now we are going to move on to if it is OK or not to plug a damn motorcycle tire! :nono:




    Never owned a bike before, and never had to plug a bike tire. Is there a problem with me asking these questions?

  6. Thanks guys. I didnt realize how important keeping the stock height was. I was out riding yesterday and used the one foot stop method and its not hard at all. Just for reference. Iron pony told me $123 to lower the front and back along with the kickstand which doesnt seem bad at all. I could have miss understood. This was just a thought i had to make things a little easier. I didnt think it was such a big deal lol. Ill be keeping it like it is. Thanks for the insight.


    On another note, After getting home i looked at my brand new back tire (less then 30 miles on it) and found a screw had gone all the way through :( A freind of mine owns a tire shop, can i just get it plugged as i would a car tire?

  7. Im about 5' 9''. When coming to a stop in traffic or lights i usually just put one foot down. When im pulling out of a parking spot, my garage or anything of that nature its a real pain in the ass. The way i have to park my bike makes be have to back it out about 30 feet.

  8. Sorry if i am posting in the wrong area, i searched and couldnt find a answer.


    I have a 02 r6, its my first bike. Iv been riding for a couple weeks now and i feel very comfortable with it. The only problem is i have trouble moving the bike around. Im always on my tipy toes. Iron pony says they can lower it for $123.00. I'm looking for answers from people who have personally lowered theyre bikes. Does this effect the bike in a way that will effect me? I dont lean close enough for anything to scrap, i guess. Thank you for any input!

  9. Hello everyone, My name is hasuna.

    I live in NE columbus.

    I recenty purchased a 02 r6. This is my first bike so im still learning.

    Couple years back i lived in santa cruz and rode a friends ninja 600 for about a month.

    Few years later and after growing a pair a bought a r6. Its not perfect but itll do as a first bike

    If anyone has any tips or tricks for a new rider, id be more then thankfull and if anyone sees me riding around say hi!



    Included below is a shitty picture of my bike.


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