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Posts posted by lenny1165

  1. Chris, I'm still in for Saturday's ride. I can take off anytime you guys want, but my day will have to end earlier than originally planned due to a Halloween event for the kids that evening. I'm looking at being home around 3 or 4. I just figured on tagging along then breaking off whatever time I need to and head home. As far as routes I'm game for anything, the loop you posted looked good to me.

  2. Hey Lenny / Jack   -   Welcome to the forum, neighbor!  I live in Wildwood on south-side.


    Yes, we'll have to go for some rides. However, I have a huge deadline for the end of the month so my evenings and weekends won't allow for anything more than a quick spin. After October I'll have time and would love to go on some medium/longer rides, but it will be November then. So I'm hoping for an indian summer.


    My next door neighbor rides and is a local so he's shown me some great roads since I got back into riding last fall.


    I too like 555 and I've run the southern part many times. I usually run south to north. I'll have to go the other direction more often. I also like 21 in WV from Mineral Wells to to Ripley or a bit farther to Kenna, then, 34 (I think) to Fairfield. Twisties PLUS views and the elevation changes you get on mountains. Well, what we call mountains here in the east.


    I highly recommend the Epic ride. The fall version was great the other week. It was very well run. The three groups ran safely and the conversation, before and after was great.


    So. how about we try to get together in the first weekend in Nov? I'll check if Bill, my neighbor, might be able to go too.



    Shoop id be game for a ride the first weekend of Nov.  Im scheduled off that weekend and provided the weather allows maybe we can get something put together.

  3. That's a good ride there, I work in Parkersburg, but live in Coolville, so I like to ride 555 and 550 on my way home from work. Welcome to the forums!

    JN1 i always enjoy riding the section of 555 from rt 7 to Bartlett, but anytime i can slip up to 78 i do. Probably one of my favorite roads. Next time id like to go on out 78 and bring 377 back to 550.

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