I have been putting a lot of work into a 97 dr200se. Finally obtained the title. And created a mad max street fighter style bike. But all things redone, now I can't get it running and when it does. It doesn't stay. So to start, New oil and filter, new air filter, wiring completely redone, top to bottom. Carb has been rebuilt, quite a few times now. New spark plug. And I am getting spark! When I try to start the bike cold with choke fully pulled I can crank it for about 30 seconds with starter spray and throttle fully open, bike will start, but doesn't idle and will die if I don't keep pulling the throttle. Once it's warmed up, I can only start it by removing the air box cap and pulling out the filter, then with choke on, and full throttle it'll start, but same idle issues. I have tried all the way up and back on the idle fuel screw and sometimes starting requires less throttle but still no idle. At all times the idle isn't just fluctuating with throttle constant, but the bike immediately dies without throttle. And throttle has to be to high for the idle adjust screw to compensate. Spark plug is black from to much fuel, but I just don't know anymore, the obvious doesn't seem to work. I can only imagine I've done something wrong. Any help and advice?