Todd, I just felt the need to defend myself. Beginning the sentence with "hate if you want" just came off wrong to me. I was a little offended but was completely understandable! I began the thread for people to "look" at the link that describes what Lane splitting is at the top. Also asked people to post "if" they signed it. Completely optional. (I'll add that I suppose) I have never Lane split at all until this year. I have treated all my past motorcycles as if they were cars for this topics matter. I do live in the country! I love country roads. Country roads tend not to be plowed hence the road conditions are usually a love for me. Scenery, ect. But that's just my weekend. I do commute through the week where Lane splitting could easily save a whole lot of time. That's the goal here. Even if we had the (what's commonly confused in California because there is no restrictions) right to share lanes only at intersection would cut the plausible injuries by a lot. The fact is, it's illegal and folks where I live get so butt hurt when it happens. Even if I was to ride a median at a 4 way to make a right hand turn on red. I have been chased down, flipped off, cut off, called police on, and the list goes on. Idiots out here are likely to open a car door or throw something at you. I do not Lane split often because of this. The closest I get to Lane splitting while moving is seeing a gap I can make and powering through it after a few seconds making sure both cars are maintaining their speed. Reading everyone's opinions was pretty great! Thanks you guys for your 2 cents! Now there is mine