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About Mr.Milchling

  • Birthday 07/06/1989

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  • Location
    Warren, Ohio
  • Vehicles(s)
    2012 Yamaha yzf-r1

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  1. June 7th Meet @ 11:30am Niles sheetz 1162 Niles Cortland Rd. Warren, Ohio There are 6 total castles. Most are self guided tours or seen from the street. One in particular, if we decide would cost money but folks have already agreed they may not. There are no highways; only seasonal and country roads. 4.5hrs ride time 170miles I believe their is plans to agree on a restaurant of some sort. Map of the route http://m.mapquest.com/?version=1.0&hk=10-9w5vjt4x Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/events/794804540602628/
  2. I'm sorry. I can not make it. I was scheduled for sat & sun. Not to mention it's looking like rain unfortunately.
  3. Saturday is iffy. I will ask the boss if I can get it off and update. If the ride is Sunday which it may be. Looking far into the future says 30% chance Sunday but that's most definitely going to change. I'm not thinking a little 30% would shut it down. Put me down for medium fast. Saturday : TBD Sunday : Definitely!!!!
  4. Mr.Milchling


  5. You seriously think insurance rates would go up? If they legalize I can put money on it that they won't automatically go up that day. Statistics still remain the same here folks. If it was legalize without restrictions they may go up. They may not. They may make vehicle operators more aware. I don't believe any of us can see the future if it was legalized. I have little faith in this petition to actually do any progress on it also, but, I believe late splitting at a stop could seriously be beneficial here for what it's worth. I 110% agree that there should be restrictions on it. Yeah, we could all probably commute regularly with traffic. SURE! Do people still do it now? MOST DEFINITELY! but the reality is that it is illegal and because it's not the norm people will frown upon it.
  6. Todd, I just felt the need to defend myself. Beginning the sentence with "hate if you want" just came off wrong to me. I was a little offended but was completely understandable! I began the thread for people to "look" at the link that describes what Lane splitting is at the top. Also asked people to post "if" they signed it. Completely optional. (I'll add that I suppose) I have never Lane split at all until this year. I have treated all my past motorcycles as if they were cars for this topics matter. I do live in the country! I love country roads. Country roads tend not to be plowed hence the road conditions are usually a love for me. Scenery, ect. But that's just my weekend. I do commute through the week where Lane splitting could easily save a whole lot of time. That's the goal here. Even if we had the (what's commonly confused in California because there is no restrictions) right to share lanes only at intersection would cut the plausible injuries by a lot. The fact is, it's illegal and folks where I live get so butt hurt when it happens. Even if I was to ride a median at a 4 way to make a right hand turn on red. I have been chased down, flipped off, cut off, called police on, and the list goes on. Idiots out here are likely to open a car door or throw something at you. I do not Lane split often because of this. The closest I get to Lane splitting while moving is seeing a gap I can make and powering through it after a few seconds making sure both cars are maintaining their speed. Reading everyone's opinions was pretty great! Thanks you guys for your 2 cents! Now there is mine
  7. This post is not for everyone to allow Mr.milchling to Lane split. Nor was it a post to criticize and speak to me in a condescending way without even asking "hey, are you new to riding? Lane splitting is probably not for you". Although I completely understand with the information you gathered on me. Now that I feel I must defend myself... On a personal note, this is my 6th bike. I have way more miles "illegally" then on my permit (that I still rode out for almost a full year) 10 fold. Just never bothered to get it. I suppose that was my choice and thankful was never stopped or had anything taken away on a flat bed. Passed the test way Bikes: 1st Yamaha 175 (don't even remember) 2nd 1986 kawasaki 454 (one of my favorite bikes) 3rd 06 vstar 4th 96 (I think) suzuki marauder 800 (pia) 5th 96 (I think) zx6r 6th this r1
  8. Signed and got my girl, brother, father, co-worker, and mother to also
  9. EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!! Please post if you signed. I'm curious how many folks from ohio sign. https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/allow-motorcycle-lane-sharing-all-public-roads-1
  10. Myself and a few of my buddies. Trying to spread word
  11. EVERYONE SHOULD TAKE A LOOK AT THIS!!! https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/allow-motorcycle-lane-sharing-all-public-roads-1
  12. Lol. Oh man. Should be a fun ride. Possibly expensive too.
  13. I should be here guy... As long as I get my endorsement. I don't want to be totally illegal coming down on the highway.
  14. My first meet up for me. How early do some of you show up. Just curious.... I wouldn't mind being there with the first bike, grabbing some coffee, and bullshitting for a little.
  15. Lodi is closest to me and my brother. I'll find a date and get back with you to let you know. I'd really enjoy being apart of it this year.
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