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Everything posted by Soldierrrr
? You're an idiot. I do wheelies because I love them. Pointing out how others love seeing them was part of my defense that morons like you are the minority. That doesnt mean its my sole reasoning for doing them. Nonetheless, even if I only do one because somebody wants to see it, how is that being a douche?You sound like a hater. My name?...seriously...its a nickname that Ive used for years...so now you cite my name on a forum that is completely neutral and irrelevent as supporting evidence to the type of person I am...nice bro. If i had a need to be liked I never would have spoken out on this topic...you think I didnt know Id be going against most of the forum?...go to the r6 forum (much bigger) and have a discussion on wheelies and see how popular your idea is there....(I already know...theyre all douchebags right) . I dont need to sit here and argue how likeable I am or not with a moron who has never seen or met me...One person here has, and thats Doobie. Want an opinion on how much of a douche I am? ask him....otherwise keep talking shit to get your rep up on here so you can feel good about yourself.
My presentation was exactly this: "Yes stunts (wheelies) can be done in a douchebag manner, but not every wheelie on a public street is done in a douchebag manner"...your friends conclude that no, all stunts on public roads no matter what are douchebag moves....according to your peers logics on here, you are a douchebag rider....Now if they know you wheelie, and they say "no he's not a douchebag" then they prove my entire argument to be correct, and prove their entire argument was purely political. If this were the case why would I come back to a place where my wheelies would get ridiculed? Its so funny how this completely false comment is liked, so cool. And I have no interest in spending any more than a couple of days in this tiny bubble then I'll be gone again, feeling relieved that the overall mindset out in the real world isn't the same as it is here, It makes me feel so happy because I'd be miserable If I faced anywhere near the same kind of ridicule in reality. After an amazing season of riding and once again seeing how popular wheelies are in the real world...I came back in remembrance of the disrespect I received in this small community and was curious to see how much further it went after I left. To no surprise the "cool guys" here had a field day insulting me personally... Oh well, lol... I happened to come across a known member on here this season Dubie ...he actually filmed one of my wheelies, how ironic. He's cool as hell and it's too bad he's not in any way a representation of this community. He doesn't wheelie, but he's not going to disrespect people who have a different approach to riding than he does. And if you outright label somebody a douchebag, SIMPLY because they like to do wheelies, that's disrespectful and quite ignorant.
Lol came back to troll...so you cant comprehend that huh. So if I play basketball occassionally i should identify as a bball player? Unbelievable, you guys gotta feel so cool talking trash online, trashing people online...becsuse of a difference in viewpoints? oh right my viewpoint is just plain stupid ? Yet I still get nothing but positive feedback when i go on 1 wheel! People love riding with me, people love seeing my videos, Girls love it, Riders who arent complete pussies terrified at the slightest out of normal activity...love it....but Ohioriders.net condemns it! lol, such losers. Come out of your shells. Ride of The Century, Doomsday, etc etc. look at the likes vs dislikes and tell me again im an idiot for saying people love it. This forum is such a joke! lol smh. Stick to posting in this forum because if you brought this logic outside of ohioriders.net you'd be identified as ignorant pussies everywhere else. ?
lol...I know it's predictable ive been around here for a little bit I don't post but I look around and I see it. I'm not even a stunter in any way shape or form. But above is right, nothing here is going to change my mind because I'm no fool. It's funny I can get blazed on here for supporting public stunts yet in the real world it doesn't happen. For example I attach my helmet to my bag when I'm on campus and On my helmet people can see I support it and I've not once been ridiculed for it, AND its not just the "college crowd" same thing for both of my jobs, they know I do it and I've never been put down for it. in fact I only get positive reactions. On the streets like I said I pull it up I get positive reactions. Simple truth. I might get hurt one day, I might die who knows, My faith is in God in that matter but judge all you want, I'm not a douchebag about what I do, you can think otherwise all you want I just don't care and the reason I don't care isn't because I'm a douche, it's because based on my experience I know that people like seeing them and the reaction on here is NOT the reaction out there... Again as a final statement, stunting can be done in a dangerous and asshole like manner, I acknowledge that. My point was, it can also be done (on public roads) in a non-asshole manner. I want to make sure that's clear. Peace
Of course I have and of course I'm not perfect. My point, is exactly the fact that I have yet nobody was put in danger by it, except me. And putting aside something freakish (like the car next to me freaking out beyond reason and doing something ridiculous) 99% of the time NOTHING IS GOING TO HAPPEN to anybody else except me, I'm going to pay the price, not the person watching. And if you live life worried about that other 1 % you have a pussy mindset. My mindset isn't politically correct, but it's far from flawed. I know I cant win this argument in this place but I really don't care, there's a reason the stunting section in this forum is dead because anybody who shows interest in it is labeled douchebag... its online, everyone loves being politically correct online. Its like people who say speeding on a bike is the worst thing in the world, its a joke. Going 85 in a 65 on a motorcycle is so dangerous and so selfish right?...I'll take flak on here all day but in the real world when I do a wheelie I see excited faces inside cars and almost everytime I get a thumbs up, and I continue my cruise with a smile on my face feeling good...that's the real world.
No, I think it happens far less than you think it does. And again, I'm not defending flying down the wrong side of the highway, or stunting on the wrong side etc. I'm defending me doing whatever stunts I wish within reason, stunting on the wrong side of the road has no reasoning, (which is what happened in the link you led me to). Again, in my first response I said it clearly can be done in a douchebag manner, but just stunting in general on public roads isn't always being a douchebag, It simply isn't. If I did a wheelie on the wrong side of the road I 100% feel like a douche, are you kidding... of course...same with doing any stunt on the other side, period. But, if I'm stunting in my own lane, flowing with traffic on one wheel...no, I don't feel like a douche, and if you're a pussy who despises me for it honestly I don't care because I'm not doing anything to you.
Yea but It's not like drinking and driving where you're in a car and you literally kill others. My little motorized plastic isn't going to seriously injure or kill anybody besides myself (outside of some kind of freakish incident where everything lines up for the worse). It's just life we live with other people no matter what other people will make your life more dangerous unwillingly. Its like driving next to a semi...I don't want that, if he fucks up I'm dead right...yea we get it but it is life. And obviously there's a line you draw to where it's not "just life" but that being said I don't get how we have this idea that "omg my life is at risk he's doing a wheelie"...like really...a dent in your car if he loses control isn't going to kill you. Running over his body or bike if he flies under your wheel won't cause you to lose control, its just not going to happen. Stay clear of the guy if you really think that plastic is going to obliterate you. Give me a break.
douchebag move?...ok. That's a douchebag statement imo. It can be done in a douchebag manner for sure but to just label it as a douchebag move is...like I said. People love seeing stunts, they are entertaining, they are enjoyable to see and do (to a lot of people), and if you aren't an idiot, they aren't dangerous. If you do this thing called practice, you wont be a danger to yourself nor to others. "The asshole stunter speaks" no, I'm not a stunter, I don't stunt out my bike, but I will do stunts on public roads on and off, and I'm not being a douchebag about it. A kid signals wheelie so I'm a douche for doing one?...people at a bar or a party are outside having a good time, Knowing they'd love to see it I'm a douche for doing wheelies for them?...I'm on the highway in my own space and get the urge for doing a wheelie, so I'm a douchebag for enjoying myself? I can answer for you, No, I'm not, and I'm not worried about the haters. On topic, yes you will be more than hassled for stunting on public roads, and if you do it on private property like it was said you have to have permission then you're fine. If you want to try some stunts: 1. Be smart about it, make slow progress don't think you can do what you see on youtube instantly, you'll hurt yourself if not kill yourself if you're really stupid. 2. Find a vacant or low populated street to practice if you don't have access to private property somewhere. If you try practicing in a neighborhood cops will be there in 10 minutes...if you practice on busy streets a cop will see you and pull you...think about where you can go there are public streets out there that aren't used very much that will work. 3. Don't mind haters or people who act like only douchebags stunt...trust me, you give excitement to a lot of people by stunting as long as you aren't stupid about it (stunting through red lights/stop signs, making a bunch of noise in neighborhoods etc etc). So if it's an interest, try it out!
I'm also Akron/Canton feel free to hit me up for a ride anytime.
Hello, I'm Carlos, I currently have an 04 yamaha R6 I live in Akron and I'm from Columbus so i spend time in both cities and would love to find riders in both cities. Mostly I'm in Akron though. I have a few people i ride with, my buddy i live with also has the same bike as me, but for every rider i meet on the streets they never end up actually ever coming out to ride with you, so i thought id give this a shot and see if i could find a couple more guys to ride with. I've been riding for two years now. My personal riding style is up tempo, and i do a little stunting, I can ride with anybody though and I respect all riding styles i just love riding, so if you love to cruise and avoid trouble at all cost i would still enjoy riding with you. If you like turning up a bit I love that too. Please feel free to text me and add me as a contact if you are nearby. Ive also periodically checked the riding events you guys have had, maybe ill be able to get into some of those as well. 614 975 2289