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Posts posted by Sixthgear

  1. Friendly reminder, riding wheelies on a highly traveled 2 lane road with a speed limit of 55 probably isn't the brightest idea. So if you were with the toolshed that was riding wheelies today about 7pm on Alton Darby in Hilliard please just stop. If you hit my truck head on, I may feel like I hit a bug, possibly a cat, nothing more. You however will be dead, I would rather that not happen.

    Come on people, I doubt it was anyone here, but let's pass the reminder around not to be a fucking moron. Mmmmkay, thanks.

  2. Friendly reminder, riding wheelies on a highly traveled 2 lane road with a speed limit of 55 probably isn't the brightest idea. So if you were with the toolshed that was riding wheelies today about 7pm on Alton Darby in Hilliard please just stop. If you hit my truck head on, I may feel like I hit a bug, possibly a cat, nothing more. You however will be dead, I would rather that not happen.

    Come on people, I doubt it was anyone here, but let's pass the reminder around not to be a fucking moron. Mmmmkay, thanks.

  3. Just revived my first ticket yesterday 75 in a 45 so 30 over.

    Didn't even know he was behind me till a mile down the road when he caught up, hand on gun yelling for me to put my hands on the hood and then cranking my arm to my shoulder blade and giving me a few scratch from the cuffs haha. No reckless op tho so hopefully I'll be good besides the points.

    It's true you have to be charged with reckless op, it's not just a certain speed over?

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