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Trebor Mitsu

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Posts posted by Trebor Mitsu

  1. 6 hours ago, Pokey said:

    Thanks for the clarification, although I am pretty much against pushing "any religion" or doing missionary type work, people who need help need "real help" and not some God loves you and has a plan for you kind of BS. As for police, I am all for them wearing body cameras, whatever it takes to both convict them if overstepping their bounds or to exonerate them when it most certainly warrants it. The vid you posted was the one I watched, I reckon you need to do whatever makes you happy and to try and make a difference.

     Not going to say I dissagree with you there ... I am not a christian and I dont Shove religion down peoples throats , Im also honestly a theologist.

    It was 90% because of the challenge and 5% social experiment and other 5% because it may make someone happy to believe in something.

    I am much more happy REALLY helping people  and taking them to get real tangible help , like food , job , social worker , physiologists , antidepressants .. Ect .. 

    but some few people draw inspiration ,power and drive in believing that they are not in control of everything and that there is a more grandplan that cannot be the explained and believing on what cannot be seen and just have that blind faith brings allot of people that comfort they need..

    When it comes down to it.. am a theologist , I believe in what i can see, prove, & what makes me feel good ;  and i TRY not to step on what others believe in as i go... 

    Personally  I can NEVER stick to one set religion that just has boundaries  of belief and cannot ask WHY , or HOW  or what caused this or IF there is more to the story, that would drive me completely and utterly nutty ...  But I respect that people find solarity in it.. 

    But thats just me .. Just thought it would be a good vid for my challenge and if anything else a social experiment 


    12 hours ago, Pokey said:

    Messing with people who are minding their own business, and who believe you are actually giving them money......not cool dude. For those here who are confused, I am referring to one of his youtube vids. So what the hell is a "motovloger" anyways, do you do this for attention, kind of like recording encounters with law enforcement and basically harassing them?


    Not really . . . 

    Well normally I would not do missionary work by handing out Jesus money to people to send the word to people of Jesus Christ , But one of the SOLARBEAR challenge required something original  so , only thing i could think of doing , I am not a Overly religios person but if you watch the video closely there is Allot of people that appreciated the efforts when they seen what i was doing .. Here is a link to the video

      ... all my other videos are that of me just riding around doing "motovloging"  anyone that uses youtube and has motocycles should have bumped into others by now...

    It is the same exact thing a a vlog  but while on a motorcycle ...  and this Video is Kinda Unique like i said because i normal would not do missionary type work.

    As far as the Police thing.. I have allot of friends that are in the police force , the sheriff i waved at is deputy Andrea Mcceaver that i know well (thus why she is smiling)

    and I do indeed belong to a group call (copblock.org)  and its just simply a organisation that films and records police encounters for the protection of both the officers and people, basically if the police never do anything wrong then any recordings of them will be showing all the good they do... and evidence in the event something bad happens , Like "cops" the show..

    However in the event that a officer oversteps there bounds and abuses there powers , the unfortunate truth is the only way to have that action corrected is by having evidence of it.

    So... No i dont harass the police , I like my local law enforcement . . . 

    but as I said , there can always be a FEW in the bunch that can overstep there bounds... 



  3. 8 hours ago, Heagachongoose said:

    Aloha. I ride in Ross county often. I'm an hour south of Chillicothe. lots of good roads in Pike and Hocking if you are willing to venture a bit South or East of Chilli. 



    I use to live in Pike county in jasper .. LOTS of good roads out there and LOVE to do allot more riding this Spring/summer , looking forward to have my video go Viral , just need more people so i can make better content 

  4. 7 hours ago, o-no-moto said:

    Are you a emt? Dubie is and believe a few others are.

    Yeah , I honestly dont do it as much as before , lets just say I had a few really bad runs .. that and life went under and PA was not established here yet .. so i got some work as my other primary trade as a Tech 

  5. 12 hours ago, o-no-moto said:

    Welcome. Myself and dubie ( another member on here) like to ride round that area. He is from around there and knows several roads. Might have to met up some time for a ride.

    I would LOVE to meetup with more bikers ^_^  Im posting a TON of videos at the moment for the SOLAR BEAR CHALLENGE


  6. I may have posted already as being new .. BUT if i didnt .. here it is again..


    I am a long time rider and first time posting here , looking for more people to ride with 

    I am a motovloger   , basically means I record what i do and talk about it/ post it on line, also with that i am very active in the cop block community in my area , Love cops but sadly in this county there is a few bad ones that spoils the bunch .. thus we record encounters with them.

    I ride as much as i can and as frequently as i can.. and im always looking to meeup with other riders ...


    With that being said .. I have 3 bikes at the moment 

    2 Street bikes and 1 street&trail 

    I will ride with any bike / scooter 

    And if you want to see my motovlog 


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