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Posts posted by CarpHopHead

  1. Dead 450L - Electrical? Vortex ? Dealer Says Over Amp maybe?  

    So bare with me...Had the bike just under 2 years, 5.5 miles, FMF pipe, https://www.vortexcdi.com/ Vortex ECU (dealer installed), 12 O'clock labs taillight. Been riding with upgrades for about a year, no hard off road mostly street / highway. and i dont know crap about electrical.

    So Im doing some casual trail riding and out of nowhere it dies. push the start button, nothing. all lights functioning. I get it home next day no lights or NOTHING now. 

    start talking to dealer, check fuses, all check out. they think its the solenoid, so i by one $75. install it...NOTHING. check fuses again notice blown injector fuse blown, replace that. take battery to two different places they say its fine (12 to 14) but they dont know about the cold cranking amps(?)...OUT of Ideas, take it to dealer. 

    They diagnose starter issue..."think" its rectifier/regulator failing which blew the battery, $450 and it runs. Pick it up...

    Ride less then 10 miles...chug chug chug, dead again. push the start, NOTHING, lights work, take it back to dealer...

    mechanics think it might be the vortex causing it and that Honda built a electric system that cant handle the demands of the bike; lights etc.  They talk to vortex who says to send it back so they can send it to Australia for diagnosis! WTF  Dealer suggest putting OEM ECU back on (and stock pipe) and see what happens and send Votex back to Tokyo Mods  https://tokyomods.com/ (and to Australia and for some reason the dealers Honda tech contact has disappeared). 

    I F'ing sick over this, its been over a month and no one seams to know what is going on with this bike. i point out the randomness of all this...running fine with mods for all this time and all of a sudden its a mystery. Pointed out that 1K's of L's have Vortex's, other owners running equipment that is taxing electric with no issue that iv'e seen (dealer says no wiring issues that they have seen), ive tried to go through all 27 topics on the mega thread on Thumper Talk and didn't see anything...Considering calling Honda and giving them hell, but I'm just overwhelmed by whats going on with this bike...     


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