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Posts posted by ORourke

  1. All stuff now free, if you want it come pick it up before we throw it away.



    Pair of 245/50/16 Road Hugger radial GT tires, not a ton of tread left but they're not to the wear bars yet.


    Factory AM/FM radio out of a 2005 Silverado WT, works fine just replaced it with a CD player at ~5k miles on the truck.


    Middle front seat from a 2005 Silverado WT, pulled at ~10k miles for one that folds down. Great condition, Black cloth.




    PM or email me if you want pics.

  2. Sucks for Lesnar. I'd say it might be roid related but he's looked like that since he was in college and has never failed a test. Still could be roids but he's not like a typical WWE guy that has never had to take a drug test. I hope he can make a comeback, if nothing else he generates interest in his fights.
  3. *****SPOILERS*******


































    The single player sucks balls. They bring Captain Price back from the dead and then he nukes Washington DC? WTF was that? And then you have to go and kill a bunch of Americans because you're public enemy number one after your crazy leader launched a fucking nuclear missile at the capital city of the US and apparently killed the president in the process. Horrible campaign mode, decent multiplayer. Very dissapointing game considering the amount of hype surrounding it.


    A fucking 5 hour campaign and a decent at best multiplayer after 5 years of working on this? WTF were these clowns doing while they were supposed to be making a great game?

  4. Need a repair on my 2009 RAV4, pic below. It's only got 4300 miles on it and I want it to look factory mint afterwards but I'd like to get a good price as well. Any reccomendations?






  5. I never run cats on my non daily driver cars. I vent AC lines to the atmosphere, burn used tires at my friend's farm, have improperly disposed of oil, trans fluid and antifreeze but my sister's a vegetarian so it all balances out, right?:p
  6. I think I got a lap dance from that girl at Kahoots 2 1/2 years ago during my buddie's 21st B-day party. Hard to tell, I was drinking and if you paste enough makeup on bleached blonde strippers they all start to look the same, but the face looks somehow familar.
  7. A whole slew of COFBA guys that don't come around anymore


    So forth. It was a lot more laid back then.


    +1 from COFBA, and thanks for having those F1 badges and silver stripes so people know you were the one losing all those races mentioned in this thread and not me.:p


    I kid, but seriously, the original meets at Arby's and Jegs on the east side back in the day were awesome and if you weren't there you missed out on real CR history.:D

  8. 56 year old man thinks he's going to meet with a 13 year old for sex, gets busted and kills himself rather than face prison time as a convicted pedophile. Oh the humanity...:rolleyes:


    I will be very dissapointed in our society if this stupid bitch can find a good enough lawyer and 12 jurors who are retarded enough to give her a fucking penny.

  9. I drink on Fridays and Saturdays only, waking up at 6 AM and listening to a generator, air compressors and nail guns for the next 8-12 hours is not fun.


    BTW, not to be a dick but if you're drinking Steel Reserve every night you just "might" have a drinking problem, that stuff is hobo fodder.:eek:

  10. take him to a cabin in the woods and dont let him leave for a month.


    Great idea if you want to kill him.:rolleyes:




    To the original poster, I wish I could tell you some place to take him and make the addiction go away, but like several people have said it is a long painful process that not everybody gets through and becomes a functional memeber of society. One of my close relatives has bounced between jail and various treatment facilities for years now, and I know how hard it is to watch someone who seems hell bent on destroying their existence without being able to flick that switch and make them stop what they are doing.


    The fact that your friend actually has a job, a family who gives a damn and has the means to pay for treatment and friends who haven't written him off is the best thing he has going for him. "Rock Bottom" is often a hell of a lot lower than that. It is likely that there will be setbacks/relapses no matter where he goes so all I can tell you is don't expect a quick fix, magic pill kind of situation where you send a guy somewhere for a month and he comes back perfectly normal.


    Your friendship will most likely be tested to it's limits if you intend to stick by this person.

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