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Everything posted by dragknee66

  1. You should hit all the youngins while you can and settle down in like 5 years
  2. ^ hah. well if I could find a ho that would buy me everything than I would just keep that one for a while lol
  3. No more like I keep booting chicks that are sluts lol It was just a vent, to see if my fellow dudes agreed that most girls are ho's And bored too yes
  4. I almost spit my iced tea everywhere reading that. Thats some funny stuff rite there hahaha
  5. Its cool to love money if you make some for yourself. But I hate girls that expect US to pay for everything and never even offer. If you dont like being treated like shit and actually dont like challenges and games youre one of the few.
  6. Mutha fuggin DOT. I tried the girls with kids thing. That has got to be the shittiest situation to be in honestly. I will NEVER EVER EVER again date a girl with kids. Its a complete waste of my time.
  7. Yes Dont get me started on young girls with kids either. I think most 18yr olds on the west side think its their job to have kids by 18. A lovely life of welfare and jailed baby daddy ahead of them. Stupid.
  8. Ok in all honesty I really thought about this before posting. I like to keep my personal business away from the interwebs but I just wanted to share some random thoughts here. I think most men will agree. What women want Money. Im sorry ladies but even when you tell us money doesnt matter, your full of shit. You enjoy being pampered and bought things simply so you dont have to buy them yourself. You say you really dont mind going to Applebees from time to time but in your mind your thinking 'why cant this bastard take me to Hyde Park'. This is why I steer clear of the bitches that work at Walmart or other dead end jobs, if you cant provide for ME then Ill be damned if I will support YOU. Being smacked around. I dont know why in f*cks name girls like being treated like shit! Why is it you see the little hotties with hoodlum dudes that slang talk and cant even hold a job?? My guess is because they smack those girls around and they rather enjoy randomly thinking "is he cheating on me" "does he love me" blah blah. I mean in all honesty there isnt a mean bone in my body, and if I ever treated a girl with the disrespect they seem to enjoy... my own mother would kick my ass. Challenge. So by challenge do you mean.... if I ignore your phone calls all the time, completely blow you off and show no sign of interest what so ever, youll like me MORE? Yes. Thats correct. By you calling us and us ignoring you and treating you like every other beotch, youll seem to come around quicker. But heaven forbid if WE show any sign of interest and do kind things for you like buy you flowers and take you to nice dinners and try and have some real old style genuine fun with you. This kind of loyal treatment will only net you the dog house really quick. Sex Appeal. Compliments and suggestions. Be careful how you play this one guys. If you compliment on appearance then you obviously want to sleep with her, because we all know that people cant just be friends without sleeping with each other rite. If you suggest something to her then obviously she isnt good enough and chances are this might play in your favor. Her self esteem will stoop so low that she might be willing to do just about anything to keep your interest because shes so worried about her own appearance. This all stems from meeting random bitches (I call them "bitches" now because calling them "ladies" doesnt seem to be the proper way to "pull" women these days) that just end up being another number on the shit list in my phone after trying to be real with them. Girls... cant live with them... cant kill them.
  9. I think Ill get dooped either way on the contract though, I think the BB and Smartphone plans are different. So if I move over to a BB plan I think Ill have to change.. and vzq being ghey that it is Ill have do another 2 yr plan. How would I save a contract renewal if I bought it from you, even if I had to move over to a BB data plan.
  10. Ya I can walk in and buy it for 299 rite now brand new in box no rebates or anything. Ill pass, Im going to buy one Wend.
  11. Driver gasket or some serious problems heh
  12. 2 gun bag would be nice as well, hmm. Can you snap a couple pics of them for me? Im trying to see if this idea i had will work for them
  13. I would seriously just quit before Ken makes you feel completely stupid.. to the point where you will question your own intelligence.
  14. This COMING weekend? Or the weekend past hah. Details...
  15. Ill buy it... but there are a bunch of them going for cheaper on eBay.. and it looks like you can get them rite off Verizon for $299 So lets make a deal sir.
  16. Well if AJ cant for you, Ill do it for free. Me > * @ shooting
  17. ^ lol that toolbag crossed out the DL and Safety belt section SO HE DIDNT HAVE TO WRITE YOU 2 TICKETS!!! WOW. Seriously if I turned in a piece of shit ticket like that, I WOULD GET WROTE UP. What a joke.
  18. dragknee66

    Saturday night

    Why do you guys hang out at Lowes on Georgesville there?
  19. dragknee66


    You must have internet v2
  20. Ahh shit. I could use the M&P15 case Possibly the other.. will the other fit both an AR and a shotty?
  21. Buddy of mine has a 90-93 Fox body, its currently all stock. Hes looking for upgrades Needs an autotrans actually, his overdrive is busted Exhaust Intake Cam Heads you name it.. what do you have and how much
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