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Posts posted by tandm

  1. Same for my Windows machines. ;)


    Windows is constantly releasing security patches too - that's the nature of the beast. But it always makes me laugh when Mac people pull the "OMG WINDOWZ GETZ MORE SPYW@REZ LOLZORS!" argument. Of course it does, it exists in 90% of the marketplace.


    As for you never having any problems, you're in a very small percentile.


    That's why I usually suggest Macs, for people that aren't like you. :cool:

  2. Building malware for Mac's is getting more popular. They are not harder to take advantage of, they were always just a smaller target. The difference is when the shit hits the fan PC people are already a lot more prepared. ;)


    I know they're not totally immune, but Apple is constantly updating their OSs with security patches. There has never been a single program that made it's way onto my machines without my authorization. Once the shit does hit the fan, then I will concede that you were right all along. ;)

  3. Those are the faggy names that Apple gives it's shit products to sound trendy.


    Do your wife a favor and avoid MAC's. Dell's are quality machines and all I will ever purchase for me or any of my clients.



    Dells are great if you love malware and all the other fun stuff associated with Windows PCs:thumbup:


    Seriously Chris, she just wants to do simple tasks and needs the thing to work without any user intervention. Not everyone has a Systems Admin on call 24/7. Plus, the mini will come with iLife 05'. She'll love iPhoto.

  4. If your wife does nothing but what you mentioned above, then the Mac mini will be perfect for her. I've switched 6 or so people now and most of them just want to do the simple day to day tasks as mentioned above. Macs in general are perfect for thses situations. They're a great secure, solid platform that will run without hassle for years.


    As for the two models you mentioned above, I'de splurge a little and get the more expensive one. You get a bit more for your money and the 512 MB of ram will help with Tiger. Plus, it has Airport built in. You can't go wrong.


    Have you checked out the cheapest iMac G5 at all? It's $1300, but it's a nice package.

  5. Originally posted by Duel Webers Suck:

    this is dave on jamess computer. actually i have a fully endorsed motorcycle license n only missed 2 points on the test. thanks for assuming steve.

    You wouldn't even tell me that you had a bike, so I just go by what I hear. graemlins/chillpill.gif
  6. Just a question for people who have been there. Can the stage clearly be seen from section F? Would further back in section B be a better choice, or worse? I just don't want to sit too close to the stage. Section B and F are the two middle sections of seating. Thank for any help smile.gif
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