I might have rolla take a look at it before I wrap up the motor. I get tired of having people say "Nice car! Ohhhh, shit...did you get keyed?"
Yes, I got keyed, not because I'm a douchebag, but because there are too many haters out there.
I cleaned the truck, the suv, and then decided to pull the stang out because it had accumulated pollen all over. Here are 2 pics of teh babeh.
My brothers mirrors were broken so I'm trying to install new ones. How the fuck do you get that retarded little speaker on the window off? There were three bolts in the mirror and I still can't get the little bastards to break free.
Mike if someone does that kind of shit they are retarded. Let me guide you my young squire with my abc's.
A) Waste the side of your car with a nice "love tap" to their vehicle.
B) Reiterate everything they say out loud to yourself as to come off as a fucking maniac. "Did they just call me a faggot? I know they didn't just call me a faggot." This is usually more effective by looking in several directions with a look of confusion and your eyes very, very wide.
C) Step out of your car at a light and either
-Scare the shit out of them because you are out of your car
-Face up to the fact they are not scared, brake a mirror off, and slap them in the damn face.
I know, you both are right about that. It's just gay when an acquaintance decides to say shit, especially in a given situation when he had no idea what he is talking about.
I would dig race Byron again, I'm sure he will want to settle the score. If you guys are out later then 1AM I would be able to come.
Is the cobra done yet?
A WRX with a good amount of upgrades and much higher boost, car is clean. Hope it's running well Byron. I'm gonna be busy tonight and tomorrow but I'm clear Thursday-Sunday.
You ever wonder why some people would decide to talk shit about you/ your vehicle when you have:
A) Never talked crap about them.
B) Never done anything but support their project.
I enjoy stirring the metaphorical pot for racing and so on, but still can't understand where this kind of crap comes from; cars are for fun and to be comrades with the "dudes" and nothing else.