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Posts posted by 98GSR

  1. Im looking for a black rim wit a chrome lip, I have been on tire rack and they dont have a good variety of wheels, I need a site like tire rack so I can get a good idea of how the wheel will look on the car.

    Is there any place around Columbus that sells after market wheels, besides auto assets, I would like to see a example of what the wheel would look like.


  2. Sorry Rob I had to do it. Ya I got what I wanted, I would of got more after I told the guy he could have it. I got more offers at a higher pricem, but I wasn't going to sell it underneath him , fear if I pull it from him and these guys back out I am screwed.
  3. Sorry Rob I had to do it. Ya I got what I wanted, I would of got more after I told the guy he could have it. I got more offers at a higher pricem, but I wasn't going to sell it underneath him , fear if I pull it from him and these guys back out I am screwed.
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