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Posts posted by Tractor

  1. I think its still 50/50 from this point whether it goes lower over the next year or three or if it continues an upward trend immediately. Technically if the hype is over, there's probably going to be a period of consolidation so it could hang around where its at or even lose half its current value over the next few years until the next big hype comes along. Its charts look exactly like all the pump and dump scams I track, but who knows.


    I do think 30's is a good buy in point for the long term at this time however if it goes lower, be prepared to hold a while.


    I know its not what you want to hear, but I'm just being honest with what I've seen and feel for the current situation. I do think going the next few months will be weird as people who had traded 2021 and gained and then lost are going to find out they only get to deduct 3K as loss and they will probably have to liquidate to pay large tax bills so there will be share turnover for a little while.

  2. Lol shitcoins


    Crypto is like the best gatekept ponzi scheme of this century. Bernie Madoffs scam is a close second.


    Your 1000% not wrong, its pretty clear that Elon Musk managed to snag a killing over the past 12 months. I'm not sure how much was from Crypto as his companies do actually do very well on their own, but come on increase from 100billion to over 300billion by October?

    I just checked and they have him at 265billion now so he hasn't had the best 4th quarter either, but wow, good thing he's in control of some big ass shit or he'd be going to prison over the dogecoin crap last summer.

  3. LOL, I hadn't really paid much attention due to life. Best part of day trading, your not in for days, weeks, months so you don't lose by failing to pay attention. Looks like serious corrections happening across the board and with the Fed needing to increase interest rates to slow inflation we're looking at down markets and slowing growth over the next year for sure. Really probably take a few years to adjust IMO. IMO its needed and necessary to create stronger companies out of the aftermath in a "mostly" free market. Probably shouldn't have been propping it up the past 15+ years anyway and both sides are guilty so this ain't political.
  4. Life took me in other directions this fall so I didn't get to do more trading and become very serious yet this January. I love talking shop and have tons of resources if your interested in learning to read charts etc. Almost all technical analysis, I'm not really an investor just a day trader that sometimes swing trades on a few things I watch.
  5. I'm really going to miss CR as I log in many times a day and keep up with you guys from back home. Hope we can keep a community of such awesome guys (yes even the ones I have fun arguing with in Kitchen), I can honestly say I've never blocked anyone on this forum and value everyone because everyone has value.


    If I didn't have plenty of issues and things going on IRL I'd take up the task of modernizing the forum. Maybe keep that idea on the back burner because I'm all for it, could put in the tech time, and have very underutilized servers anyway as part of my business.



    If anyone wants to keep in touch, ask me questions etc I consider all of you the best friends I got.


    FB - Evan Whytsell

    I'm on LinkedIn as well





    Thanks to the Admin for all they've done,

  6. I'm likely getting over COVID right now, rest of my family has it, wifes vaxinated, brother, his wife, there kids all vaxxed and have COVID as we speak. My oldest daughter however does not have any symptoms. My brother's family are the only ones silly enough to go get tested for a cold. Cost them nearly $1000 which they don't have.


    My wife is presenting with a ton of serious coughing.


    I myself have every last HIGH RISK condition that should make me dead from COVID, I've had a pretty easy ride with just a very high fever, 103deg and chills. Diabeties, yep I take shots daily, pills, etc. ME/CFS or as they are now calling it (long covid) yeah I've had that since the 80's from another viral outbreak, high BP, overweight, yeah everything except being over 60 years old. I'm not vaxxed, not gonna be, and got better things to do then worry about "omicron".

  7. I'd use the Togglers as the anchor into drywall, attached to unistrut, then attach with whatever you decide after that to connect to the go kart.








    Strut nut to convert to some mounting frame you decide



    If you work in electrical or pay attention to how electricians and HVAC guys hang stuff you'll see that stuff used all them time including very interesting ways to hang HVAC units from ceilings walls etc.

  8. You hanging from ceiling or actually vertically on a wall? If its going from ceiling and 200lbs, its anchors will be a point load so try to spread that weight out to prevent any sagging that will turn up later. Pics or drawings would help and I'm sure us guys here could find ideas. That is very interesting to me and thats an awesome go-kart.


    I personally don't like going into studs as you never know if you've hit the center, or if you've hit a bad spot in the stud. I much prefer using "Toggler" bolts from Lowes. They have the engineered rating on them and handle 375lbs each in 1/2" drywall. I use them every week to put up ordering menu's or other digital signage at businesses. Including video walls using rail systems.

  9. I agree the longer term chart looks like any coin you think has a future, Bit and Eth look to be at good buy in points assuming they continue to have value over a longer period, ie years and your planning to invest vs get rich. Much better place to be buying than at the top due to FOMO. Honestly DOGE AND SHIB look kinda bad simply from the charts and thats probably due to their popularity waning as the true gamblers look for other get rich quick opportunities.
  10. Ton's of deals right now for Christmas as far as gift packages/extra sets/etc. If you are looking for budget/affordable and not trying to drop $1000's which it kind of sounds like?


    I have a harbor freight Quinn set and for the little bit of wrenching I do it they've been great. Haven't had any issues with them and haven't broken a socket yet. Again not sure lifetime but the fit/finish is good and they haven't failed yet. So check harbor freight.


    Also check lowes, home depot, ace, etc. for their deals. Sounds like you might be looking for specific sockets/lengths/etc. so there might just be a deal that is right for you.


    If you don't check this website out might want to watch it I've been seeing a lot of tool deals lately with Christmas shopping for "dads".




    Looked on that link, thanks. I see a few things in gonna look into more. I don't mind dropping hundreds I just don't want to be buying a bunch of stuff I don't need. I don't think in 30 years I've ever used the screwdrivers or bits in those tidy little kits. I have those that I buy from other sources.

  11. I'd like to get a nice complete set. My old stuff is broke lost etc. I just don't want to buy a 300-400 piece set with the same 45 sockets and 300 screw driver bits and Allen wrenches I'll just throw away as soon as I open the box.


    What's a good bang for buck solution?

    I'm at the point where I'm gonna make a list of the sizes and find the closest kit I can and figure the rest out some other way but figured I'd ask.


    Really only need 1/4 3/8 1/2 drive sockets. I have the socket wrenches that I like and our well broken in so that doesn't even matter.


    I guess maybe I could do an inventory to see what I'm missing first idk.

  12. This is where I find it confusing. You are being taxed at the site of work and the site of residency. They are taxing a resident they don't govern (based on home address, I don't think someone that lives just across the border gets out of Ohio income tax if they work within the state. That is someone they don't govern on a bigger scale). They are also double taxing because you pay the income tax at both locations. It doesn't seem right but, I am guessing there is a "justification" somewhere. As far as using the services (roads, sidewalks, emergency services, etc.), so does every person that visits but, they get taxed on sales not something they are already taxed on elsewhere. Might seem more reasonable if only one municipality could tax you on your income.



    It could be argued that the out of state person is taking a job away from someone who is a resident. It's all a convoluted mess with tons of points of contention.

  13. I don't miss the Ohio tax stuff but SC gets you in other areas. Here in the tourist area it's 7% to the state and anther 4% to the city for sales of anything. Annoying to those who live here however some businesses give local discounts. Good news is the area has tons of tax revenue, bad news they are pretty corrupt and find ways to make it go away.


    Ohio's tax stuff might be better if you really think about it compared to tons of places. I'm interested in the thread because I nerd out on that tax and business stuff.

  14. Hinest question, how much oil/gasoline for the US market is moved through any pipeline that has been killed?


    IDK, I had to stop driving to work for two weeks last spring because no gas due to colonial pipeline shutdown.

  15. Girlfriend wants a new laptop. She is pretty sure she wants a dell latitude with a 15" screen. She's looking at the Dell 5520 currently.


    She needs to be able to run a second monitor while on zoom or whatever other video call service she might use and run excel and browse.


    I don't want to buy something that's overkill.


    Any suggestions.


    I've got the family running 3 HP Elitebooks G3's Plenty of power for what your going to do and less than $350 usually. Kids use theirs for school meetings and games. I use mine for IT work and running my business.

  16. Newtons Cannonball




    Interesting read, summery Newton theorized this in the early 1700's and we finally got around to proving it.


    SpinLaunch is a really cool idea, looks like they are planning to use the ground system to get the payload a really good start on becoming orbital and then onboard rockets will finish the job. It would save tons of fuel and expensive hardware if they can get it to work. They should put a few sites on high mountains to further reduce the required kinetic energy. Might be able to launch heavier or more fragile systems as the first couple miles are the roughest from sea level and then the next real hurdle on the way up is caused by exceedingly high speeds lower in the atmosphere which introduces instability.


    They will be a very interesting company to follow for sure.

  17. My view is that a lot of bad decisions were made by a lot of people during those times. I completely agree that KR was a misguided youth playing protector where he probably should have followed the lead of police and bunch of scared men who didn't go stand up for the rights of innocent businesses and people. Could have stayed out of trouble and went on with his life. Like I said lots of people made mistakes. I'd prefer the story was, bunch of violent protesters got wasted by locals protecting themselves because their police wouldn't do the job.


    Having said that, IMHO. KR doesn't get to use self defense, considering he knowingly put himself in a place where he would need to be armed and in the way of a bunch of protesters who he could have completely avoided. This makes him guilty of something. Maybe not murders but mistakes that maybe should have consequences.


    He got into one of those situations where if your side wins you're a hero and if your side loses you're a villain. Sad but it's the way it works and since this wasn't a full-on political revolt where he could have ever became a hero he made a really bad choice.

  18. All I can say is be careful. There's tons of manipulation going on. Tons of profit to be made if your playing opposite the news because the feeds are slightly out of sync with pumps and dumps. And I can assure you the people selling to the people buying have bought their shares when it was bottom of a curve and they are selling to people who are driven by fear of missing out and emotion.


    If your not in agreement just think about this. You can't buy a share of anything that isn't for sale by someone else who has decided it's time to sell. Plan the trade, trade the plan.

  19. I’ll remember that the next time the bank is whipping me for bouncing a check or deciding that raping my wife or kid is ok because I bought a house with their loaned money.


    Also, I’m pretty sure that the worlds collective billionaires don’t have Scrooge McDuck style money bins to hold all their gold.


    Lame 🙄

  20. It's really stupid. It's like they want investments to go overseas even more so.


    Interestingly enough, investments in production go overseas. Investment in housing more recently has been huge coming into the US. China especially has been buying whole sub divisions the day they launch.

    Investment in consumption ie retail etc has been from overseas for a very long time. I see it everywhere as I do work business to business and most of the owners are not US citizens.


    The housing thing is really odd and not sure what to think. We've been having it happen here as well as in the news. Texas was moving to been the practice. Charlotte is an issue. My mom just sold her place and tons of foreign entities were trying to buy to rent it out.

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