Or just tell him every F equals 1 beating.. worked on me. I graduated in the top 5 of GPA's in my school
j/k.. You can take him to the "bad" areas of columbus and show him what his future will be like if he doesn't get his shit together.
I have a guy coming to look at my car and he just asked for me for my banks phone number so his bank can call to get the payoff amount? Why would they need to know this? Just to make sure the amount I am selling it at will pay it off to get the title?
Looks much better than the 05 TA and camaro.... Still too slow, too bad they didn't have an option for the 03/04 cobra engine in it. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
I have the xcuter chip but I forget which one.. It's the non solder one though. It has a switch on the front of the xbox so I can boot to the normal xbox screen instead of the slayerX screen... Too bad it got fragged.. Thats why I had to get a mod chip.
Yup, ebay it.. But u gotta mod it!! Mod it for about 120 bucks = never buy games again. Now they have chips that have dual boots so you can still play xbox live. And they have xboxconnect which is like xbox live but FREE.