graemlins/wtf.gifgraemlins/slap.gif I'm sure the guys over there that have had a good friend shot right in front of them aren't liking it too much. I'm sure they're like.. wow, I'd much rather be here in this shithole than in the every day boredom in Ohio. graemlins/nonono.gifgraemlins/nonono.gif
Edit: I have to add some more since this comment pissed me off. I've talked to my dad several times about the hells of war since he served in Vietnam, and believe me, it is NOT something I would LIKE or ENJOY doing. To have a good friend die in your arms, to see your friends you have grown to know have a leg, arm, etc blown off, how stupid can you possibly be to "LIKE" war. This shit is real and not some video game where you can continue. Jesus, what a dumbass.