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Posts posted by Blazen

  1. Yes im sure it's legit. Torrent spy is on the list as well. Sorry of the spam sounding promo in my first post guys. I just found a lot of torrents that I was lookin' for and got a little to happy about it.
  2. So you don't fine why my friend and I found it funny. Move on with your life Ben. You eather understod what I posted and kept beeing a prick or you didn't get it all together. Quoteing my last post and trying to find humor in it will do you no good. Why because it was an atempt to help clear things up for you as to why I found it funny. It's a general statement. It's a post that is ment to be understod and not laughed at.Thats a sad cheep shot Ben. You can get all the people on CR on your side and I will still fined it humorous. The title of this thread is funny bumper stickers. There are no spesifics. Just except the fact that I find humor in it and you don't. This shit is getting really old. Do us both a favor and don't post any more on this. I have better things and other threads to read.
  3. If your into torrents, then you'll want to check this sight out.

    Just type in what you want in the serch bar and pick a sight. Whats even better is that at the top of the page after you slect a sight,there is 12 sights to cleck on to find what you are lookin' for. You don't half to reenter the torrent on the other sights. Just cleck on. This sight cut my serch time in half.




  4. Nobody cares about how I spell.I don't. So I can't spell as good as you. But you missed the point. You based everything on my first post off an assumption,and insulted me by calling me stupid. Thats why I called you a stupid kid. Key word assumption.


    "And it was funny because of other reasons. Like who his dad was." <----- That was in my 2nd post. The reason you wanted to know why. It had nothing to do with the election. But rather who James P. Hoffa was and who he was related to. Just because you don't think it is funny, doesn't mean that everyone else will agree with you. I found it funny. And my friend that saw it with me did too. We made a few cracks at him and what not.


    Your just pissed off because you worked for the guy. Save your time and energy,and learn not to make assumptions about people and what thay post.

  5. Buwahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!


    No, I'm not laughing at the bumper sticker. I laughing at you. You're stupid.


    James P. Hoffa, the son of James R. Hoffa (Jimmy Hoffa), is the president of Teamsters. He won the election in 1998. I assume you could've only thought this was funny because you assumed it was Jimmy Hoffa which that bumper sticker refered to. In fact, you were wrong, and there's nothing funny about that sticker at all.




    NO ben I knew it was his son.Jimmy died a long time ago. I ASSUME that you surly knew this....Anyways the assumption was on your part. And it was funny because of other reasons. Like who his dad was. It's not funny to you because you made that choice.and /or lack of understanding of why I made that post. I should have expected a stuped responce form a kid. Dude you were only like 16 when the sticker came out. And seeing that your 24 not much has changed. You don't even know me. It's quite apperent that you have trubble reading into things,like my post. If you had a question,than ask about it insted of making an assumson. here is the link for assume




    Read it,learn it,live it.

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