Well i paid the price this morning for racing my car. was driving to work and both bolts that hold the engine to the motor mount are gone and my car started making a horrible noise. Luckily the mounts are still there, just need the bolts!
yea i agree, for the money you can buy a really nice DSLR and be ahead of the game money wise. yes its bulkier. but i can't see a chick wanting to put this in her purse and take it to the bar. I don't see the use for these. but they are sexy and cool
I always have extra chairs with me for just that reason scott. I was just glad the EX-Up fit in my car! I got some pretty cool GoPro videos and some in car footage that is.... well interesting!
so is there any limits on what we can wear? i'm assuming actual shoes, no flip flops, shorts ok? long sleeve shirt or can i wear a t-shirt? I'm assuming we have to wear helmets
Who in their right mind takes a 3 month old to a midnight screening of batman!!!!
This is for sure a tragedy and it takes one sick bastard to do something like shoot up a theater.
i have a XXXL and a XXL, the XXXL i will be using in the beginner class, but he is more than welcome to borrow the XXL. these are ICON sizes which run a lil big.