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Everything posted by sprx19

  1. Pryor looked drunk in the 4th quarter. The tentative attitude of Treseel is picked up on by the players and then they play scared. This playing to not lose drives me crazy.
  2. REally? Southern Ohio and eastern Ohio have some of the best roads in the country. Car and Driver used to test supercars in the Hocking Hils area.
  3. If that was an electric motor I could see that type of output, but that thing is too small with too many little parts inside (he said all the same parts of a conventional engine, just rearranged) to be able to physically withstand the combustion process to make 4000 lbs of torque. Think how stout a tranny would have to be to handle 4000lb of torque. Sounds to me like a bunch of theoretical math figures, but no real world testing. Maybe it is all just above me?
  4. sprx19

    OSU vs. Texas

    Well, you said," OSU has the talent." Would like to make that statement more clear? I'm as big a fan of Buckeye football as anyone, but unlike a alot of Buckeye fans I see things as they are and give people and teams credit for what they do.
  5. sprx19

    OSU vs. Texas

    OSU is very talented, but if you think the overall talent is on par with USC and Florida you need to watch more football. At the skill positons yes, but not the entire field. ....and if you think USC is the #5 team you are crazy. Florida will smoke Oklahoma. btw Florida is #2.
  6. sprx19

    OSU vs. Texas

    Personally, I think Tressel coached much better than he has in the past big games they lost. When they had I think a 3 and 13 close to mid field in the second half and he ran a homo run play to set up the punt I wanted to punch myself in the face. I thought, "fuck it he's put his tail between his legs, we're done." Then all of a sudden they got agressive and fought back. On the last drive they went after Colt which is what I believe in. Go for the kill instead of being careful. They just got beat. Oklahoma will get mopped by Florida. Texas would have if they had the chance to play Florida. The real game would have been USC vs UF. THAT would be a classic game.
  7. I have a rebuilt title 04 with 15,000 miles for sale for $16,900. PM me if interested.
  8. Mid 11 second drag machines sound like a low bang for buck ratio.
  9. Bus we will have round 3 for sure this summer. Shanton---bring it dood.
  10. Most off the racing was done on 23 where it was easy to line up, but the last few were on a country road about as wide as my driveway. I had weeds 4 inches over here and an RX7 about 4 inches over there. Won't be doing that again.
  11. Pop is bad stuff. It dehydrates you REALLY bad. I drink one here and there and even an energy drink about once a week. I will drink one coffe a day usually, but water water water will do wonders for your body. If you ever have dry lips, nose, or eyes it is propobly due to not enough water. When I drink juice like cranberry I also mix it with half water, because most anything you drink is too strong. If I know I will go out drinking later I drink extra water all day. Laugh if you want, but if you start paying attention to your body and the way it feels and then think about how much water you have drank lately you will start seeing for yourself.
  12. Thats the 3rd I have heard of. They say the pressure plate stays bolted on but breaks into pieces and turns into a big saw blade that tries to cut the car in half. Pretty cool. hehe ......not if it happens to you I guess.
  13. Sweet. I'm always up for a race.
  14. Yep, you know how we whine and cry in M-Town!
  15. All I know is that last sat. the vette ran right beside a subaru that has run a 12.6. You know, if we are going to talk about 1/4 miles times and all. I thought ET's meant nothing to Ty so I don't know.
  16. Hi Ty. Guess you had to come on here and run people down too. Funny you talk shit about other peoples cars, but when was the last time you raced anyone??? Easily a year +. Bye Ty. BTW Denny, do my 2 cars count as 1 or 2 of the 3? haha
  17. But there is one pretty important guy on the team from Findly.
  18. Blue, and take the wing off and get coilovers. graemlins/leghump.gif
  19. Just to back you up on your top speed, I also ride bikes, have a RC51 right now and will say that a sportbike is WAY more stable at those speeds than a car. That still doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. By the way I had a 900 with the same colors a few years ago, sold it to get a gixxer 750.
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