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Posts posted by BiG BeN

  1. Police said it happened after Brewer reported to police that one of his friends stole his father's bicycle. Police say the bicycle was stolen because Brewer did not pay one of the boys $40 for a video game.


    I'de bet a $40 video game that this was a bag of weed incident.

  2. I'm reading a book right now that is really making an impact on how I handle things from day to day. It's by the Dalai Lama called "Ethics for the new millennium".


    It takes an attention span longer than reading posts on CR,but the insight and how it is conveyed from someone that's not even native English is mind blowing.


    If you're down and out and blowing off steam with whatever means at your disposal, that's just a band-aid. You gotta change your outlook to make a difference in the long run.

  3. Does it work though? I've tried a cheap-o one from radio shack that not surprisingly sucked. And also the $80 one or whatever made by Monster and sold in the apple store. That sucked equally hard. The problem being that when you use the 30pin connector on the bottom you lose volume control and it's really really quiet. I have to max the volume in my truck to compensate and it's really scratchy.
  4. The Taj Mahal on campus used to be a good spot. I think some Messican joint took over, but there is also another spot right next to McFlips off Polaris that always seems busy.


    they just moved a couple doors down. Taj mahal is awesome. Easily the best indian food I've had in Columbus out of the 4 that I've been to. Call ahead though I'm not entirely sure they're open for lunch.


    The place in the North market isn't bad for a quick lunch if thats what you're looking for.

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