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Everything posted by Mark1647545493

  1. EBay is your best bet and going to be the cheapest too. I repair a lot of LCD TV's and always get my caps from EBay.
  2. think it would bolt onto the front on my 97 Dakota Matt? I need one for that truck
  3. I can wait. LMK when you're ready. Thanks Tim
  4. still looking for an iPhone 4 on AT&T. anyone?
  5. Looking for 2, would like iPhone 4's but would buy a couple good Droid phones too.
  6. That looks like a good time
  7. LS that 76 Cobra in your dads garage.
  8. I just went thru this with an Acer laptop last week. There's a recovery partition on the harddrive as long as its the factory drive. If you hit alt+F11 at the boot screen it should send you into the recovery mode. You know what to do from there.....
  9. thanks guys, I got one and installed it today
  10. How much you want for it Rick?
  11. The fuel pump in my Turbo Coupe died so I need a replacement and figured I would check here before going to Autozone. Would like a Walbro 255LPH but I won't be picky
  12. Deercreek has a very nice setup but unfortunately the rifle ranges are 50yrds and 100 yards and a 25yrd pistol range. The only extra rule they have at Deercreek is you have to put your target at the backstop so if you're on the 100 yards range you can't setup a target at 75yrds. Have no idea why it's like that but it is. The 100yard range has at least 7 or 8 lanes and the 50 has 3 lanes Here's a picture of the 50yrd range from last weekend as the storm rolled thru. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=802&pictureid=7254
  13. How big is it? Looks bigger than a Dove but smaller than a Pheasant. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=802&pictureid=7251
  14. Definitely a White Pigeon
  15. You guys are talking me into a 6spd LS car.
  16. That's a nice looking and super clean Durango. It's an SLT not an R/T but still very nice.
  17. Jeff, 10 hole wheels are 15 inch and Pony wheels are 16. I think the Pony's look great on your car.
  18. I'm hungry for a Rax roast beef sammich now.
  19. I felt the ABS unit pain on a 2000 Mustang GT. cost me over $1500 to get it fixed correctly. The pump was $800 and don't think you can just pick up a used one for $50 and be on your way. Way more complicated than just swaping it out. I have an ABS code reader if you need to use it. I'm betting if the gear has been changed in the rear end the sensors are bad back there.
  20. I recently found a Walmart receipt from the summer of 98 where I bought 5 boxes of Winchester white box 100ct 9mm for 10.88 a box. I want those prices back.
  21. Every time I stop at Cabellas they have everything but .22lr and this last visit on Wednesday I scored a box of Remington Viper 100ct .22lr for $6 and they had bricks of Federal 400ct .22lr for $22. American Eagle .223's for $10.99 per 20ct, Herter's .223 55grHP's for $6.99 per 20ct. wide verity of .308's starting at $11 a box, .45acp's for $22 a box, 9mm is $14 a box.
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