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Posts posted by truckin

  1. I have never seen someone use the same version of "there/their/they're" in the same sentence and have both of them be completely incorrect. Impressive.


    We now return you to your regularly scheduled thread.


    Yep I've never been good at that.


    do you? I mean really, have you ever looked into how inaccurate non-emergency vehicle speedometers are? The old mechanical speedometers used a resistance spring working against magnetic force, so your accuracy was the spring rate. The were pessimistic at low speeds and optimistic at mid-higher speeds, modern ones use variable reluctance magnetic sensor to generate a sine wave that is then electronically fed to the speedometer. It is more accurate but now mfg's can program them to be continuously optimistic with the variance growing the faster you go. So point is, you looking at your speedometer is not an accurate reading, it's a best guess.


    And then there are all the "tricks" certain counties will put in place just to trip people up, like lowered speed limits for small sections that only require one sign that is easy to miss:




    Don't think for a second any of this crap is accurate and the government is playing fair with it. The government knows you aren't paying attention, they know your speedometer is inaccurate and their equipment is slightly more accurate, they know you don't know when their shit is inaccurate, and they know you like to pay your way out of a hassle = millions of dollars in revenue to them.




    This is a great way for you to live your life, but there are many others who don't agree and don't want to be taken advantage of by a system that is stacked against the motorist and exploited by the government from the state to the local level. In other words, good for you for paying the fine, but shame on you for trying to morally shame those who prefer to fight an unfair system.





    Maybe we should just call speeding tickets, tax collection and then CR will rage against it, LOL.


    So your blaming it on an inaccurate speedo? I've had plenty of old vehicles 1 I still drive regularly (1984) and have never had an issue figuring out how fast I should be going. You can easily judge that by flow of traffic it's not that difficult.


    Your thought process of fighting the " system" is a bit skewed in your statement. If your speeding and get caught how are you being taken advantage of or exploited? Your in the wrong. Because you don't like aircraft aiding Law enforcement? Take it to court get an attorney pay him as well take your chance. Pay the ticket admit your guilt and move on. I could careless.


    CR people crack me up. Always right never wrong. It's comical



    I'm gonna throw you guys a bone and let you tear it up without interference. My gift! I'm too old and got better things to do then debate on the web. I know you all will tear me up that's fine as I won't see it. No hard feelings. I'm just moving on.


    Good luck to everyone and your families please be safe! And I Truly wish you all the best !!


    Goodbye CR



    Mods please close my account



    Again be safe CR!!

  2. its the chance you take if going over the speed limit. We all know what the limit posted is and we all know their out their writing tickets. Suck it up and own it.


    I've been ticketed and was in the wrong I knew I was speeding, was I pissed yes, but paid it called myself a Dumbass and moved on with my life.

  3. I've never heard it called disc disease, I think their referring to disc degeneration. I have degeneration in a few lumbar discs and causes them to bulge and pinch nerve. I basically throw my back out at least once a year and have to go to chiropractor for decompression therapy I also go every 2 weeks for adjustments.


    It sucks but comes with years of abusing my back doing flooring lifting rolls of carpet myself on shoulders and lifting patients and wearing gear for years at work.

  4. Thought video was gonna be about bicyclists, another nuisance on roads. But on the vid posted I don't think ramming guy was right, but guy had plenty of chances to stop safely or better yet obey the law! ( crazy thought ). Looked like bike slowed way down fast and car couldn't and hit him. Either way I'm sure rider won't be so stupid again.
  5. Im wanting to get some concrete work done and looking for referrals. I thought their was a guy a lot of people here were using but it's slipping my mind and I can't get the search function to like me.


    But I've got a 30x44 pole barn and wanting to do a 25x25 area for a basketball hoop. I'm in Rushville.



  6. 5.4 is nothing but problems. Best of luck with that and the cig smell.




    I wouldn't say that, my family has had 5 vehicles with the 5.4 and no major issues. Only had to change out plugs on a few of them and 1 expedition had to have a cam sensor replaced at 150k. All ran great. I'm sure some have had other experiences as with any motor.

  7. Looking into a bed liner and came across a company called Bullet. Has anyone had experience with these spray in liners?


    I've had Rhino liners in a few trucks and served me well, I've seen some Linex beds and seemed nice. Never heard of bullet though.

  8. I would avoid this place at all costs. Trust your gut on this one Grant. "Suspiciously well priced" is exactly that. I looked at quite a few there before getting the JAG150. Shady, shady, shady.


    I agree I drive by this place all the time.

  9. Agreed. Cool cruisers, but I wouldn't spend too much time or money making them competitive in motorsports, since EVERYONE knows there are much better platforms to start out with.




    I have to disagree on that, imo theirs not many cars with a better platform to do so much with than a fox. Drag, road race, auto x etc. and with parts readily available and reasonably priced.

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