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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. Oh, and any friend of Doc's is a friend of mine. Welcome again.
  2. Looks great! For old barn wood go find old barns. Seriously. Google/CL. Ask around. Some will let you remove some for free. Of course there are also the others who ask far too much, but good stuff is out there cheap or free if you have time.
  3. This is racist towards white people who are far too often oppressed in this particular arena. http://imgur.com/gallery/Sspcq
  4. Welcome! There's a thread at the top of this section that explains posting pics or you can do as Clay suggested and post links.
  5. Did you know there is a race of giants living in the caves of Afghanistan waiting to fulfill some prophecy? It's true. Saw a yt vid where soldiers had to kill one that bit one of them in half or something and were sworn to secrecy about the entire ordeal. ...I head down some odd rabbit holes (insert quoted joke here) some nights.
  6. Exactly. The conversation has since progressed and others are trying to asplain why he's a moron and he isn't getting mad but genuinely doesn't get why that's dumb. Someone even linked scientific articles. Not helping.
  7. Otis Nice

    Hey now

    Welcome. Ya GOTTA post pics. Both because we all want to see and the trolls will, well, someone will say, "dems da rules. Did'nt you read the sticky?!" But yeah, welcome. In4pics. All that jazz.
  8. A buddy of mine posted about that and someone on his FB friends list actually was talking about how hard Trump is working and all he's doing, etc. etc. ...but THEN he legitimately said, "I think they should get together and if they're going to drop that bomb do it somewhere useful - Smack dab in the middle of one of these hurricanes and dissipate it. Is that something we can all agree since you guys depise our commander in cheif working so hard and diligently to do the right things?" That's a direct copy/paste. Buddy replied: "Yes. Exactly. We want the President of the United States to drop an atomic bomb on a hurricane that's currently over US waters and territories in order to prove that he is an intelligent, trustworthy, and hard-working guy. That would definitely solve this." Moron the says, "If they caught it overnight it would be between Puerton Rico and The Dominican Republic." Followed by these gems: "I think it could possibly work. They can create disaster, surely this (or something else) may work to stop a catastrophic event as mentioned." "Even if over a large body of water? I mean the fish and other sea life may be in grave danger but at that point you have to put things in perspective to human life." Yes. These people exist. They are avid in their quests. QFT. Seriously QFT.
  9. Someone watched Fast and Loud and thought, "Hey, I could do that."
  10. Finished an obsidian with my first attempt at notching and another flint.
  11. :thumbup: Thanks man. I appreciate it. Just text me whenever.
  12. Well, it's FAR from perfect, but I learned quite a bit so I've got that going for me, which is nice.
  13. Oh crap. I almost forgot. I originally came here to share this:
  14. Cash Grant on da track. How bow dah? He has a van. Four door.
  15. QFT. Funny thing is when he kept making jokes about pushing someone to suicide it was my fault for calling him out. TIL: Telling someone to off themselves? Totally cool. Saying white men are hated in ANY fashion? NOT COOL! The world makes sense once again. I also tend to agree with DJ and most of what he said...and also laugh at some of his jabs. Kerry just fucks up a bunch of words trying to persuade individuals to confirm himself. DJ just lays it out in black and white. Yeah, pun intended. DJ is in the perfect spot to see things first hand. He's the least racist paler gentleman I know, and I don't just man relating to melanin. He just doesn't care. If you're chill, that's how he sees you. He grew up watching a lot of this crap go down. As far as I am concerned, Nazi's can GTFO, Antifa can GTFO, all y'all can GTFO. I'm predominately Native American and damn proud of it. Take this bickering and bs back to your own native lands. Hatred exists. Always has, always will. It's not right. Minorities, far more so than even white women (regardless of country of origin), DO get shafted. No, not everyone of them. Not in every industry or position. Some minorities bring it on themselves with their hoodlum ways, but I was reading the Phill (FILL) vs. MJRSPLAT debacle of a thread last night after someone posted it in CB a few nights ago. All white folks, living on welfare or menial income, living 7 adults, 3 or more kids deep in a 3 BR in east Linden. Well I'll be damned. A bunch of the non-collad folks moochin' off the system and draining society. Some minorities see different forms of oppression more than others. As long as their is hatred where love/peace should exist this will be a fact. [/Dr.Philshit] Ignorance, greed, ego...just a few things that know no color. As a "white guy", I will readily admit, I don't fear for my life the vast majority of a time. I only get funny looks when I walk into fine establishments of any type because I'm huge, have tattoos, long hair, and a big beard. All that being said, Antifa is BS and needs to take a long walk off a short pier with the Neo's in tow. Hell, they can hold hands and skip that way gayly together for all I care. Choose your coast line. See? I'm all types of accepting and accommodating. Have a fine evening/day everyone. Go be not a dick to someone you don't know today. :thumbup:
  16. You mean everyone who laughed for 2 years while you talked shit about peoples cars while yours was on blocks? NOW you talk shit! NOW you can compete and back it up. :thumbup: Congrats man. Sounds pretty nice tbh. Gotta be a great feeling taking it down the road after all of that. Good to see a project move out. What all is left to do to have it track ready?
  17. QFT. May get some ideas but everyone's opinion is going to be different. Take your short list and go drive some. A beat dick rental car? Odd. Although I did have a similar experience years ago so I can say I believe it. Except not with a Camry. It was a Chevy. Still super weird though. Chevy's are def the best and rental cars never have anything wrong. :gabe: I agree. Get the $65k 2 door when you specifically mentioned a budget of $25k and the need for a four door due to having a child. Plus the 37 mile all electric range is great when you only have to go 140. But this is a GREAT suggesting. Fits the bill PERFECTLY.
  18. I dunno. Clemson looked pretty good last year, don't ya think? Auburn hasn't truly looked great since the year they were robbed. 2003 I believe. I'm still taking Clemson. Georgia over ND because ND. OSU over Oklahoma but I expect a repeat performance with a smaller gap at the finale. I too like Standford over USC. PSU will crush Pitt. Louiseville vs. UNC I don't consider a "really good game", but that's solely my opinion. Don't care enough about either team to know much about either so I can't make an intelligent guess. Boise St and Wash? See above. I'm gonna go with Washington though for no reason whatsoever. I just have a love/hate relationship with the Smurf Turf.
  19. First knapped blade. I have much more to learn.
  20. Sucks for them and sucks for him. He looked really good right out of the gate.
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