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Otis Nice

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Everything posted by Otis Nice

  1. True. That's why I try to avoid mainstream radio whenever possible. It ruins every good song. By those statistics everyone should be saying the same for Metallica. I mean they had "Mandatory Metallica" every day at 5PM. I have never heard of the blitz doing that consistently with any other band. The big difference though is that Metallica > *
  2. Bucca gets my vote. Good food for a good price try Spageddi's and Spaghetti Warehouse.
  3. http://www.riverbender.com/entertainment/images/fazolis_350.jpg Look how happy they all are! http://www.caps.ou.edu/reu/reu04/Photos/FazolisGroupLarge.jpg
  4. Heated up left over pizza and bread sticks. We are going to rosendales and madlab on saturday. We cook for each other all year long. Tonight we jsut wanted to not care and be able to relax.
  5. Otis Nice

    Would You Cheat?

    Fixed for understading.
  6. Otis Nice

    Would You Cheat?

    Do two cheatings make a faithful?
  7. Otis Nice

    Found Dog

    Don't take it to a shelter. http://www.cartoonstock.com/lowres/amc0283l.jpg
  8. Otis Nice

    Would You Cheat?

    So if everyone is faithful, evolution fails?
  9. If God is in the seat controlling the vehcile maybe he'll just [RodFarva] activate my cars wings and fly away![/RodFarva].
  10. http://www.io.com/~o_m/omworld/images/blog/05-05/jesus_license.jpg http://www.trincoll.edu/depts/csrpl/images/Jesus.jpg
  11. God shouldn't be your copilot. He should be the pilot. That's awesome. People can now read the latest Harry Pooter novel while drinking their latte, holding a conference call, texting their therapist, watching a movie, and changing their shirt all while driving the kids to soccer practice.
  12. Otis Nice

    Would You Cheat?

    What I'm trying to say is if you cheat on a girl knowing that it's wrong and continue doing it even though the girl you are cheating on means the world to you then thats messed up. If she means the world to you and she is faithful to you then you should treat her the way she deserves to be treated. Not tell you you love her then bang any other random girl. Mistakes happen, we're all human, we all get tempted, and some of us fall to that temptation. The difference is do we realize and own up to our mistakes or choose to indulge ourselves in them. I'm not saying anyone is a coward for cheating once. People make mistakes. I think they're a coward if they continue to do so dragging some poor woman along who is nothing but faithful b/c they are to scared to man up to their issues. Same goes for women. Just my opinion. If you want to be with a particular person, be faithful to them. If you want to be promiscuous then do so at your own expense.
  13. Otis Nice

    Would You Cheat?

    Sometimes people really tick me of and I want to shoot them between the eyes...but I don't act on it. I practice self control. When my wife and I just started dating I had a chance to cheat on her with a pretty gorgeous girl. I had the same chance about 5-10 times from then until about 3 months before our wedding. I never took that opportunity. Call me what you will but I think anyone who cheats on someone willingly (not screwing up once and admitting to your loved one) is a coward and needs that sexual attention for self affirmation. Just my .02 though.
  14. Ummmm...there was this little song called "Creep".
  15. No doubt. I was coming up 23 this morning where there was VERY minimal pavement showing and got passed and cutoff by two different vehicles. A suburban and an H3. The suburban also caused another vehicle to lose control momentarily a little ahead of me. 4WD != Stop on a dime on ice.
  16. Nice truck. What kind of power is that thing pushing? Won't do a pull off with that thing but I still would dare him to follow on this little trails I know going through some trees. One of these days I'll be loaded, gas will be cheap, and lift kits will be free. Then I'll get a truck like that. (Lies! All LIES!)
  17. Pulloff is a no go. I have no tie ins on the rear. I would have to tie up to my stock bumper. When I get my rear JCR bumper...I still wouldn't pull off against a Z71 'burban. I would go against it on any hill, creek, or mud though. Note to self: Get locking diff's ASAP!
  18. Exactly. Snow is just a reason for me to romp around 8 acres of land my parents own in my jeep and on the ATV. I say "bring it on!"
  19. +1 I can't stand it. Either people drive 13 MPH when the crap isn't even sticking or they drive 80 mph when it is and slide everywhere and lose control. The first "snow" we had this year I was in my Jeep coming up 23 from c-ville to work and passed 7-8 FWD cars in the ditch getting pulled out. I went RWD the whole way up, no problem.
  20. Mud? Rocks? Pavement? I'd take that. Be interesting to see. I have been up against a suburban before but it wasn't a Z71 and of course I didn't get going all that fast. I'll throw my Jetta against your suburban. It's stock too.
  21. Problem: - Up to 6" or so of snow My Solution: - Jeep XJ - 4.0 inline six - 3.5" Rubicon Express Super Ride Lift - 31" BFGoodrich All Terrain TA KO's - JCR Offraod Front Pre-Runner Bumper with full Uni-Body Tie Ins What snow?
  22. Hilarious reporting. Cop is at fault.
  23. Otis Nice


  24. Otis Nice


    If evolution was a fact I would expect fruit flies to have evolved into something that lives more than 24 hours or three toed sloths grow a few more digits.
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